
The __init__() function gets called when object is created. Is it ok to call an object __init__() function again, after its been created?

instance = cls(p1=1, p2=2)
# some code
instance.__init__(p1=123, p2=234)
# some more code
instance.__init__(p1=23, p2=24)

why would anyone wanna call __init__() on an object that is already created?

good question. i wanna re-initialize the instance's fields.

도움이 되었습니까?


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다른 팁

You can, but it's kind of breaking what __init__ is intended to do. A lot of Python is really just convention, so you might as well follow then and expect __init__ to only be called once. I'd recommend creating a function called init or reset or something which sets the instance variables, use that when you want to reset the instance, and have __init__ just call init. This definitely looks more sane:

x = Pt(1,2)

As far as I know, it does not cause any problems (edit: as suggested by the kosher usage of super(...).__init__(...)), but I think having a reset() method and calling it both in __init__() and when you need to reset would be cleaner.

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