
Hi I just read your post Bluetooth RFCOMM / SDP connection to a RS232 adapter in android and I think you probably can help me figure out my little problem.

I have this BT module connected to a MCU via serial port UART. Im trying to connect to the bluetooth via my android phone. I managed to use my app and scan BT devices. The scanner (based on BTchat) gives me the MAC. How can I know my device UUID ? It is SPP device also.

Thank you

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The device you are trying to connect to doesn't have a UUID from what I understand -- it is just the name and the MAC address. The UUID is used to uniquely identify the software service itself I believe.

The generic UUID for SPP is:

private static final UUID MY_UUID = UUID.fromString("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB");

Let me know if you are able to connect, because I am still having issues.

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