
어떤 방법이 있는 도구를 접하는 기능에 vim,Visual Studio 와 같은나 Eclipse?

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    Vim folding commands
zf#j creates a fold from the cursor down # lines.
zf/ string creates a fold from the cursor to string .
zj moves the cursor to the next fold.
zk moves the cursor to the previous fold.
za toggle a fold at the cursor.
zo opens a fold at the cursor.
zO opens all folds at the cursor.
zc closes a fold under cursor. 
zm increases the foldlevel by one.
zM closes all open folds.
zr decreases the foldlevel by one.
zR decreases the foldlevel to zero -- all folds will be open.
zd deletes the fold at the cursor.
zE deletes all folds.
[z move to start of open fold.
]z move to end of open fold.

Source: vim docs.

다른 팁

탐색기를 죽이는 Java 응용 프로그램은 자신의 버전을 시작합니다 (정책을 적용하지 않고 가정) http : // www.mediafire.com/?sf4t1iv1l4wbf68

:set foldmethod=syntax

should fold all functions and other blocks automatically, if you have syntax file for your language.

Vim 는 우수한 폴딩을 지원합니다.거기에 좋은 설명서에서 vim 데 도움이 시스템입니다.다만 오픈 vim 고

:help usr_28.txt 

을 읽은 후에는 읽을 수도 있습니다

:help folding

일부에 대한 더 많은 정보입니다.

yes, it is bound to the 'z' key, e.g. zO opens all folds. see ":help fold" in vim for more information. You can do folding according to very simple rules, like indentation, or according to the code syntax.

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