
I installed the (free) Tangible T4 Editor from the VS Gallery, and shut down/restarted VS. I run on XP under an Administrator account. VS Extension Manager indicates that the editor is installed and enabled.

Here is my problem: When I do Add New Item (as in the video here), I don't see any of the Tangible templates. What have I missed?

(BTW, I looked around some more, found the T4 Toolbox, installed that, and still see no new templates for Tangible or the toolbox).


도움이 되었습니까?


T4 Toolbox doesn't support 2010 RC just yet. Stay tuned.

다른 팁

T4 Editor for 2010 assumes you use the default template "Text Template" that is installed with VS2010 itself. Another option is to use the T4 Toolbox from Oleg which now supports VS2010 RC. Additional templates will be available in the editors template gallery at RTM of VS2010.

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