
I´m using htmlPurifier to prevent XSS Attacks from users and everything works ok on input type="text" fields. But, when i try to clean tinyMCE textareas seems like htmlPurifier don´t work, ex.:

Simple input text field


<script>alert("XSS")</script>Cleaning Test

Output: Cleaning Test




Output: <script>alert("XSS")</script>

Did i miss something ? Why htmlPurifier work on a simple input text and with tinyMCE textarea don´t ?

Ps.: Magic Quotes are Off

도움이 되었습니까?


I think i found what was wrong.

tinyMCE automatically encode entities such:

< into &lt;
> into &gt;
" into &quot;
& into &amp;

I tried to use diferent types of entity_encoding on tinyMCE but none of them seems to work as i want, so i used PHP: html_entity_decode to decode tinyMCE text area and then i used htmlPurifier to sanitize the data and everything works ok now.

Hope someone else find this usefull.

다른 팁

You will need to call tinymce.triggerSave() in order to write the tinymce content back to the tinymce source element (can be a textarea) before the purifier can work.

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