
I have been assigned a task to implement SAML between my company and a client. I was looking at using OpenSAML but I am struggling to set up the maven project.

I add the dependency:


but the pom file has an error: Missing artifact xerces:xml-apis:jar:1.4.01

I cant find this dependency in the maven repository. When checking the OpenSAML site it states:

Using OpenSAML in Maven-based Projects

Following is the information necessary to use OpenSAML within Maven-based projects. Maven Repository: https://build.shibboleth.net/nexus/content/repositories/releases Group ID: org.opensaml Artifact ID: opensaml

But when i configure that respository in my pom file, it still cant find the dependency.


Has anyone got OpenSAML set up in Maven that can help?

도움이 되었습니까?


Have you also added the xmltooling and openws dependencies to your POM file from the repository:




The xmltooling should have the xerces xml-api that is missing.

Thanks, Yogesh

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