
I'm learning to use TestNG for IntelliJ IDEA 9.

As far as I understand, One way to put a test in a group called name is to annotate it @Test(group = "name"). To run a method before each test, annotate it with @BeforeMethod.

In my test setup I want a method to run before each test only in a particular group. So there is a method beforeA that runs before each test in group A, a method beforeB running before each B test and so on.

Example code:

public class TestExample
    @BeforeMethod(groups = "A")
    public void beforeA()
        System.out.println("before A");

    @BeforeMethod(groups = "B")
    public void beforeB()
        System.out.println("before B");

    @Test(groups = "A")
    public void A1()
        System.out.println("test A1");

    @Test(groups = "A")
    public void A2()
        System.out.println("test A2");

    @Test(groups = "B")
    public void B1()
        System.out.println("test B1");

    @Test(groups = "B")
    public void B2()
        System.out.println("test B2");

I expect output like

before A
test A1
before A
test A2
before B
test B1
before B
test B2

but I get the following:

before A
before B
before A
before B
test A2
before A
before B
before A
before B
test B1


test B2

Custom suite
Total tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Skips: 0

And IntelliJ IDEA has highlighted all my annotations with the message "Group A is undefined" or "Group B is undefined".

What am I doing wrong?

도움이 되었습니까?


  1. The listing isn't in good order, this is intelliJ's fault. Run the test in command line or with maven the order will be correct.
  2. @BeforeMethod and @AfterMethod seem broken with groups.
  3. IntelliJ remember groups you used before, if you use a group that isn't remembered yet, the message "Group X is undefined" will be shown. Just pres alt + Enter on an undefined group to remember it.

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I asked Intellij to fix it. Please check issue: http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/IDEA-67653 We need to vote for it so JetBrains will fix it

@BeforeMethod(groups =...) is NOT supposed to run BEFORE every method IN A GROUP. It will run before every method in a class. The difference is, it'll just belong to a particular group, nothing more. See DOCS

As mentioned by TEH EMPRAH @BeforeMethod is not suppose to run before every method of which belongs in the same group as it.

In order to accomplish this you have to configure you testng.xml correctly. For your expected output it should look like so

 <test name="A">
   <include name="A"/>
   <class name="...TestExample"/>
 <test name="B">
   <include name="B"/>
   <class name="...TestExample"/>
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