
I have problem .. i get debugerror i will used in json

Category *selectcategory = [[data categorys]objectAtindex:indexPath.row];
productlistviewcontroller *plviewcontroller = [[productlistviewcontroller alloc]initwithNibName:@"productlistviewcontroller" bundle:nil];
plviewcontroller.category = selectedcategory;
[self.navigationcontroller pushviewcontroller:plviewcontroller animated:YES]; 

please check the my program. it doesnot goto nextviewcontroller. console error is

2009-02-13 18:32:17.405 xxxxxxxx[1491:20b] * -[NsDecimalNumber length]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xc3f10ff0 2009-02-13 18:32:17.406 xxxxxxxx[1491:20b] Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '** -[NsDecimalNumber length ]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xc3f10ff0' 2009-02-13 18:32:17.406 xxxxxxxx[1491:20b] Stack: ( 2417225995, 2527100475, 2417255178, 2417248524, 2417248722, 22199, 9853, 816111650, 816149355, 2458333742, 2416728869, 2416729304, 827745792, 827745989, 816114848, 816160924, 9628, 9482 )

please send soluation...

도움이 되었습니까?


You are trying to get a lenght of an object that is NSDecimalNumber, but NSDecimalNumber doesn't have such a property. So the bug in your code is in one of the rows you call something.length or [something length].

NSDecimalNumber documentation.

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