
Quick query on something which I am positive must be straightforward, but is starting to drive me spare.

I want to SUM a column on which I define the range. However, I don't actually know the range. This will be running week-to-week, month-to-month. I get the data from a 3rd party program. I will be pasting that data into this s/sheet; however, I don't know how many rows I will have per column at any given point. The number could be 500, or 15000.

This is what I currently have, which is fine:

= SUMIF(DataExtrGoesHere!A2:A999, "0", DataExtrGoesHere!I2:I999)

However, it is a touch amateurish, and I may receive data that falls outside that 999 row range.

도움이 되었습니까?


I would use the whole column (assuming there is nothing further down you don't want included). SUMIF typically uses the "used range" only, so that shouldn't be any less efficient


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