
I am using RestFB to search multiple terms on Facebook. I am using following code to achieve that.

Connection<Post> publicSearch = publicOnlyFacebookClient
                    Parameter.with("q", "apple OR oranges"),
                    Parameter.with("type", "post"));

I have two questions.

  1. Is this the correct way of using OR
  2. I observed, even when I have mentioned "since" I get results in decreasing order in timestamp. The results start from NOW and go backwords. Is there a method to start getting methods in forward manner (something like twitter streaming API)?
도움이 되었습니까?


  1. You can use the | character for OR (e.g apple | oranges)

  2. Graph API always returns the latest results first, there are no parameters to control that. To work around this you could implement a Comparator that compares the Post class by time and sort the result List using Collections.html#sort(java.util.List, java.util.Comparator)

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