
I can retrieve a list of databases created more than 6 months ago like this:-

-- all databases over 6 months old
select name, crdate
from sys.sysdatabases
where crdate <= DATEADD(month, -6, GETDATE())
      AND name not in ('master','model','msdb','tempdb','distribution')

Gives results like this:-

name        crdate
db1         2008-06-25 09:01:11.747
db2         2008-06-25 09:01:50.967

I can detach a database like this:-

-- detach database
EXEC master.dbo.sp_detach_db @dbname = N'db1',
@keepfulltextindexfile = N'true'

I need to run sp_detach_db for each database the first query returns.

What's the best way of doing this ?

도움이 되었습니까?


You can use a cursor for the task:

declare cur cursor for
select name
from sys.sysdatabases
where crdate <= DATEADD(month, -6, GETDATE())
and name not in ('master','model','msdb','tempdb','distribution')

declare @name nvarchar(200)

open cur

fetch next from cur into @name

while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
    EXEC master.dbo.sp_detach_db @dbname = @name, @keepfulltextindexfile = N'true'
    fetch next from cur into @name

close cur
deallocate cur      
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