
I'm trying to use Pathogen to manage Vim plugins. I had a couple of scripts I made in .vim/ftplugins.

I installed Pathogen but now none of the scripts in ftplugins runs.

I tried adding a directory inside .vim/bundle with the scripts but it didn't work (it was .vim/bundle/local/ftplugin/python.vim)

Any idea how can I make Pathogen load the scripts in ftplugin directory?

First lines of my .vimrc:

set nocompatible
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on
"execute pathogen#infect()

Only works with that line commented out.

I am running gvim from a Bash prompt with the filename as first parameter like this:

$ gvim some/path/somefile.py

I expect to see the file with my predefined colorscheme for Python files defined in ~/.vim/ftplugin/python.vim and all the other settings defined in that script.

The ~/.vim/bundle directory is empty.

Pathogen is in ~/.vim/autoload and there is nothing more there.

$ ls ~/.vim/ftplugin/
css.vim  html.vim  javascript.vim  python_pep8.vim  python_pyflakes.vim  python.vim  rst.vim  xml.vim

$ ls ~/.vim
autoload  bundle  colors  doc  ftdetect  ftplugin  plugins  ScrollColor.vim  spell  syntax
도움이 되었습니까?


It was a problem with filetype detection, this is the Pathogen issue.

The work around in my case was simple, use this to enable Pathogen:

set nocompatible
"execute pathogen#infect()    " breaks filetype detection
call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles()

filetype plugin indent on
syntax on

What I did to find out was to remove my ~/.vim directory and start with a clean one. Adding things one by one and checking the results. I realized it was not detecting the correct filetype (when I opened an empty file detection was ok, but it was not when opening an existing file).

다른 팁

Putting my comment here:

Wondering whether it works if you put :filetype and :syntax calls after :execute? Official README suggest doing just this in the second section: first :execute, second :syntax, third :filetype. Note: DO NOT disable filetype prior to :execute like @Eduan suggested, just don’t enable it until :execute is called:

set nocompatible
execute pathogen#infect()
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on

And, by the way, never use *map.

I think I can see your problem, putting this in an answer instead of a comment for the sake of the example code's clarity.

Try this:

" Set the filetype stuff to off, required for Pathogen
filetype off
filetype plugin indent off

execute pathogen#infect()

" You can now turn it on again
filetype on
filetype plugin indent on

Instead of your current setup.

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