
im having this problem. everytime i try to install something using channels i get this error:

Discovering channel pear.phing.info over http:// failed with message: channel-add: adding Channel "pear.phing.info" to registry failed 
Trying to discover channel pear.phing.info over https:// instead 
Discovery of channel "pear.phing.info" failed (channel-add: Cannot open "https://pear.phing.info/channel.xml" (Connection to `pear.phing.info:443' failed: Unable to find the socket transport "ssl" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?)) 

im not beyind any proxy, openssl is on using windows and wamp server

any ideas???


도움이 되었습니까?


Set the proxy and everything should work:

pear config-set http_proxy http://login:pwd@server:port

다른 팁

It seems like its using PHP to make the connection. You need to make sure that openssl is enabled in your php.ini file.

Uncomment the line: extension=php_openssl.dll in php.ini


For mac users you will need to use macports: sudo port install php5-openssl

I had the same problem. No Proxy, OpenSSL enabled. I ended up with installing it "the new way": Just download the PHAR package, which also contains all dependencies. Run it via php phpunit.phar.

I've got the same error when trying to install phpunit In my php.ini file
i've uncommented the line bellow by removing ";"
Saved changes. And then i've run in cmd :

pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de
pear upgrade-all
pear update-channels

Same problem.

So i've downloaded the phpunit.phar from this link and then i've run in cmd

php phpunit.phar

Now it's working :)

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