
I cannot set preemptive authentication in groovyws. (ws provider required preemptive authentication.)

I try to find out in groovyws document but no clue.

import groovyx.net.ws.WSClient

//def proxy = new WSClient("", this.class.classLoader)
def proxy = new WSClient("", this.class.classLoader)
proxy.setBasicAuthentication('user', 'pass')


below is an error.

Caused by: java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 405 for URL:
도움이 되었습니까?


Have you tried groovy-wslite? It says in the documentation for GroovyWS that:

Due to low availability the project is currently dormant, you might consider groovy-wslite as a replacement module

So afaics, this should get close (I'm assuming you're using SOAP):

import wslite.soap.*
def client = new SOAPClient('')
client.authorization = new HTTPBasicAuthorization( 'user', 'pass' )

There are instructions for getting wslite working with Grails here.

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