
How can I make the Distinct() method work with a list of custom object (Href in this case), here is what the current object looks like:

public class Href : IComparable, IComparer<Href>
    public Uri URL { get; set; }
    public UrlType URLType { get; set; }

    public Href(Uri url, UrlType urltype)
        URL = url;
        URLType = urltype;

    #region IComparable Members

    public int CompareTo(object obj)
        if (obj is Href)
            return URL.ToString().CompareTo((obj as Href).URL.ToString());
            throw new ArgumentException("Wrong data type.");


    #region IComparer<Href> Members

    int IComparer<Href>.Compare(Href x, Href y)
        return string.Compare(x.URL.ToString(), y.URL.ToString());

도움이 되었습니까?


You need to override Equals and GetHashCode.

GetHashCode should return the same value for all instances that are considered equal.

For example:

public override bool Equals(object obj) { 
    Href other = obj as Href;
    return other != null && URL.Equals(other.URL);

public override int GetHashCode() { 
    return URL.GetHashCode();

Since .Net's Uri class overrides GetHashCode, you can simply return the URL's hashcode.

다른 팁

You could grab a copy of aku's comparer (beware of the GetHashCode implementation however), and then write something like this

hrefList.Distinct(new Comparer<Href>((h1,h2)=>h1.URL==h2.URL))
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