
I'm trying to make a horizontal bar chart with data from an array

$values = implode(',', array_values($type));
$labels = implode('|', array_keys($type));
$img = "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=bhg&chs=600x300&chd=t:{$values}&chxt=x,y&chtt=Ticket+Types&chxl=1:{$labels}&chts=676767,21.5";
echo "<img src='{$img}' alt='Chart'>";

This isn't giving me what I want to achieve but I'm having a hard to fixing it. The code above gives me a horizontal bar chart with the y labels as the number of row (i.e. the first label is 1, the second label is 2) and incorrect x numbers.

I want the labels up the y axis and the values along the x.

Can someone give me a hand?


도움이 되었습니까?


I was trying to do pretty much same thing, last week. This was driving me crazy. Check out this OpenSource project, this is PHP interface for google charts


Check out these examples page, you will be able to recreate your chart under a minute... http://code.google.com/p/gchartphp/wiki/Examples

This will make it much easier to develop and maintain.

다른 팁

I use GoogChart http://code.google.com/p/googchart/ and have modded it heavily to do what I need.

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