
I'm trying to set up routing in Backbone 0.9.10. I'd like to match routes of the following kind:


etc. This is what I have in my router at the moment:

var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
  routes: {
    "": "index",
    "(/:country)": "index",
    "(/:country)(/:city)": "index"
  index: function(country, city) { 
      console.log('index', country, city);
var StateApp = new AppRouter();
Backbone.history.start({ pushState: true });

I have two problems:

  1. The 'index' function isn't firing at all at the moment, whatever URL I go to = /, /england or anything else.
  2. I'm also not clear if the optional parameters will work the way I have set them up - is it OK to have two optional parameters in a row like this? I don't know how many countries I need to support yet, so I do want the country parameter to be a parameter, rather than specifying individual countries.

I'd much rather use proper URL routing than regex parsing if possible.

도움이 되었습니까?


If you want, as in your example, to route all urls (including the root) to one method, your only need to define one route:

routes: {
  "(:country)(/:city)": "index"

Because both parameters are optional, this will match:

  • "" (Empty string)
  • "england"
  • "england/london"

If you want only the routes in format of england and england/london but not the root page /, declare a separate empty route, and make the :country part non-optional:

routes: {
  "" : "home",
  ":country(/:city)": "index"

다른 팁

If you want to have a single route and have flexibility to change what you want the urls to look like. you could also consider

routes: {
 "(/country/:country)(/city/:city)": "index"


"" (Empty string)
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