
I need to access my session and based on the session property I need to grab stuff from the database to use as options in my dropdown.


[sess_name] => Array(
   [properties] => Array(
      1=> Hotel A,
      2=> Hotel B
   [selected] => 1

I need to grab Hotel A from selected, and then access all accounts under Hotel A from the database:

id  title                       hotel_id
1    Hotel A Twitter Account     1
2    Hotel B Facebook Account    2
3    Hotel A Facebook Account    1

I need ids 1 and 3 because my hotel_id is 1 in the context of:

$this->addElement(  'select', 'account', array(
  'multioptions' => $NEED_IT_HERE

Here's my query / session grabbing code:

$cs = new Zend_Session_Namespace( SESS_NAME );
$model = new Model_DbTable_Social;
$s = "
    SELECT social_accounts.*
    FROM social_accounts
    LEFT JOIN social_media_outlets ON social_media_outlets.id = social_accounts.property
    WHERE social_accounts.property=".(int)$cs->selectedclient;

I have this code in my form page, but I need to move it into my model now.

도움이 되었습니까?


So where is your problem?

Make a proper query on your database to get those accounts.

Make a proper array from the result. ( id => Title )

You can set options on already existing element:

$element = $form->getElement('account');
$element->setMultiOption( $option_array );

You can create a method in your form class which would accept DB obj, Session obj and perform the actions needed to load and set those options.

model, which is in application/modules/foo/models/DbTable/Social, the model class name is Model_DbTable_Social and the module is foo. Throws Fatal error:

Your db-table class probably should be named:


And application.ini should contain:

resources.modules[] = 
; (It is autoloader for modules)

Class 'Model_DbTable_Social' when I try to invoke it in my form. Or is that way which you mention easier?

It is a good practice to ask for those resources in __construct like chelmertz said. Here is a nice talk on related subject: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FRm3VPhseI

You might want to read my question on "where to connect forms to models": zend-framework doctrine, and mvc pattern: what kind of layer should connect data between models and forms? Not too many solutions though

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