
Well alright, I tried to search around the internet and didn't find how to do this. Everything I find is only to disable the context menu on right click. The point is : I am (Trying to) making a (simple) game. I have my scripts to move my player around, but the onclick/onmousedown (And all the mouse events in fact) can be triggered with both LMB and RMB. I don't really care if the right click works, the real problem is that I have an interval being set to "on" on mouse down and "off" on mouse up ; (Dragging the character) ; If I spam both LMB and RMB, at one point the interval doesn't toggle off and it drags the character around without any button pressed. Clicking again doesn't even reset the interval.

I could paste the code if needed but I'm fairly new to javascript and I guess it's messy and wrong. But hey, so far, so good.

Alright let's go for the code... If have 2 files so far one "Main" and another for character movement... No seriously this won't really help since I can't simply post the parts I need because it's all interrelated*(?);

Main code :

/* ==========
 * Main JS file. Calling functions and handling user input.
========== */

/* Everlasting Intervals */
/* ========== */

/* Onload */
    window.onload = function(){
        /* initialize Mouse Interactions */
                  document.onmousemove = getmouseposition;
        /* ========== */ 

        /* Initialize Character Movement */
            Player.style.marginLeft = playerx - (window.innerWidth / 2 - 512) + "px";   
            Player.style.marginTop = playery - (window.innerHeight /2 - 384) + "px";
            Scene.onmousemove = characterorientation;
            document.onmouseup = characterdragstop;
            document.onclick = characterdragstop;
            GameAreaL2.onmousedown = characterdrag;
            Scene.onmouseout = characterdragstop;
        /* ========== */
/* ========== */

/* Global Variables */
    /* Mouse Interaction */
        var target = false;
    /* ========== */

    /* Character Movement */
        var posx = window.innerWidth / 2; /* Sync Values */
        var posy = window.innerHeight / 2; /* Sync Values */
        var tempx = window.innerWidth / 2; /* Sync Values */
        var tempy = window.innerHeight / 2; /* Sync Values */
        var playerx = window.innerWidth / 2; /* Sync Values */
        var playery = window.innerHeight / 2; /* Sync Values */
        var charspeed = 1;
        var charspeedcall = false;
        var chardrag = false;
        var charisdragged = false;
        var playerismoving = false;
        var playercanlook = true;
        var playermovementa = 0;
        var playeranimationframex = 2;
        var playeranimationframey = 1;
        var characteredgescroll = false;
    /* ========== */

    /* Game Area L1 Properties */
       var GameAreaL1BackgroundPositionx = 0;
       var GameAreaL1BackgroundPositiony = 0;
       var GameAreaL1BackgroundWidth = 2000; /* TESTS ; WILL BE OVERRIDEN ON AREA LOADING */
       var GameAreaL1BackgroundHeight = 2000; /* TESTS ; WILL BE OVERRIDEN ON AREA LOADING */
    /* ========== */
/* ========== */

/* Functions */
    /* Get mouse Position in posx and posy */
        function getmouseposition(e){
            if(!e){ e=window.event; }
            posx = e.clientX;
            posy = e.clientY;
    /* ========== */

    /* Define if mouse is pointing outside the game area (Override Mouse Movement) */
        function targeton(){
            target = true;
        function targetoff(){
            target = false;
    /* ========== */
/* ========== */

And the character movement :

/* ==========
 * JS file handling character movement.
========== */

/* Functions */
    /* Find active zone and look at the mouse */
        function characterorientation(){
            if(target == false){
                if(charisdragged == true || playercanlook == true){
                    if(posy < 0.75 * (posx + (512 - playerx)) + (playery - 384) && posy > -0.75 * (posx + (512 - playerx)) + (384 + playery)){
                        if(playeranimationframex == 1){
                            PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "0px 288px";
                        else if(playeranimationframex == 2){
                            PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-72px 288px";
                        else if(playeranimationframex == 3){
                            PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-144px 288px";
                        else if(playeranimationframex == 4){
                            PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-72px 288px";    
                        playeranimationframey = 4;
                    else if(posy > 0.75 * (posx + (512 - playerx)) + (playery - 384) && posy > -0.75 * (posx + (512 - playerx)) + (384 + playery)){
                        if(playeranimationframex == 1){
                            PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "0px 192px";
                        else if(playeranimationframex == 2){
                            PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-72px 192px";
                        else if(playeranimationframex == 3){
                            PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-144px 192px";
                        else if(playeranimationframex == 4){
                            PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-72px 192px";    
                        playeranimationframey = 3;
                    else if(posy > 0.75 * (posx + (512 - playerx)) + (playery - 384) && posy < -0.75 * (posx + (512 - playerx)) + (384 + playery)){ 
                        if(playeranimationframex == 1){
                            PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "0px 96px";
                        else if(playeranimationframex == 2){
                            PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-72px 96px";
                        else if(playeranimationframex == 3){
                            PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-144px 96px";
                        else if(playeranimationframex == 4){
                            PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-72px 96px"; 
                        playeranimationframey = 2;      
                    else if(posy < 0.75 * (posx + (512 - playerx)) + (playery - 384) && posy < -0.75 * (posx + (512 - playerx)) + (384 + playery)){
                        if(playeranimationframex == 1){
                            PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "0px 0px";
                        else if(playeranimationframex == 2){
                            PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-72px 0px";
                        else if(playeranimationframex == 3){
                            PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-144px 0px";
                        else if(playeranimationframex == 4){
                            PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-72px 0px";  
                        playeranimationframey = 1;  
    /* ========== */

    /* Animate the sprite if the player is moving */
        function animateplayersprite(){
            if(playerismoving == true){
                if(playeranimationframex == 1){
                    if(playeranimationframey == 1){
                        PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-72px 0px";
                    else if(playeranimationframey == 2){
                        PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-72px 96px"; 
                    else if(playeranimationframey == 3){
                        PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-72px 192px";
                    else if(playeranimationframey == 4){
                        PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-72px 288px";
                    playeranimationframex = 2;
                else if(playeranimationframex == 2){
                    if(playeranimationframey == 1){
                        PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-144px 0px";
                    else if(playeranimationframey == 2){
                        PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-144px 96px";    
                    else if(playeranimationframey == 3){
                        PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-144px 192px";
                    else if(playeranimationframey == 4){
                        PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-144px 288px";
                    playeranimationframex = 3;
                else if(playeranimationframex == 3){
                    if(playeranimationframey == 1){
                        PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-72px 0px";
                    else if(playeranimationframey == 2){
                        PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-72px 96px"; 
                    else if(playeranimationframey == 3){
                        PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-72px 192px";
                    else if(playeranimationframey == 4){
                        PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-72px 288px";
                    playeranimationframex = 4;
                else if(playeranimationframex == 4){
                    if(playeranimationframey == 1){
                        PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "0px 0px";
                    else if(playeranimationframey == 2){
                        PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "0px 96px";   
                    else if(playeranimationframey == 3){
                        PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "0px 192px";
                    else if(playeranimationframey == 4){
                        PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "0px 288px";
                    playeranimationframex = 1;
                if(playeranimationframey == 1){
                    PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-72px 0px";
                else if(playeranimationframey == 2){
                    PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-72px 96px"; 
                else if(playeranimationframey == 3){
                    PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-72px 192px";
                else if(playeranimationframey == 4){
                    PlayerBody.style.backgroundPosition = "-72px 288px";
                    playeranimationframex = 4;
    /* ========== */

    /* Player's Movement directions */
        function playerxplus(charmovexap){
            if(tempx - playerx < charspeed){
                playerx += tempx - playerx;
                playerx += charmovexap * charspeed;
        function playerxminus(charmovexam){
            if(playerx - tempx < charspeed){
                playerx -= playerx - tempx;
                playerx -= charmovexam * charspeed;
        function playeryplus(charmoveyap){
            if(tempy - playery < charspeed){
                playery += tempy - playery;
                playery += charmoveyap * charspeed;
        function playeryminus(charmoveyam){
            if(playery - tempy < charspeed){
                playery -= playery  - tempy;
                playery -= charmoveyam * charspeed;
    /* ========== */

    /* Set the character animation speed and move depending on direction + Scroll area if the player is near the edge */
        function charactermovementspeed(){
            if(characteredgescroll == false){
                if(tempx > playerx && tempy > playery){
                    playermovementa = (tempy - playery) / (tempx - playerx);
                    if(tempx - playerx > tempy - playery){
                    else if(tempx - playerx < tempy - playery){
                else if(tempx < playerx && tempy < playery){
                    playermovementa = (playery - tempy) / (playerx - tempx);
                    if(playerx - tempx > playery - tempy){
                else if(tempx > playerx && tempy < playery){
                    playermovementa = (playery - tempy) / (tempx - playerx);
                    if(tempx - playerx > playery - tempy){
                else if(tempx < playerx && tempy > playery){
                    playermovementa = (tempy - playery) / (playerx - tempx);
                    if(playerx - tempx > tempy - playery){
                else if(tempx > playerx){
                else if(tempy > playery){
                else if(tempx < playerx){
                else if(tempy < playery){
                    playerismoving = false;
                    playercanlook = true;
            if(playerismoving == true){
                if(playerx > window.innerWidth / 2 + 100 && GameAreaL1BackgroundPositionx > - (GameAreaL1BackgroundWidth - 1024) ){
                    characteredgescroll = true;
                    playerx = window.innerWidth / 2 + 100;
                    if(- (GameAreaL1BackgroundWidth - 1024) - GameAreaL1BackgroundPositionx <= - charspeed){
                        tempx -= charspeed;
                        GameAreaL1BackgroundPositionx -= charspeed;
                        tempx += - (GameAreaL1BackgroundWidth - 1024) - GameAreaL1BackgroundPositionx;
                        GameAreaL1BackgroundPositionx += - (GameAreaL1BackgroundWidth - 1024) - GameAreaL1BackgroundPositionx;
                    GameAreaL1.style.backgroundPosition = GameAreaL1BackgroundPositionx + "px " + GameAreaL1BackgroundPositiony + "px";
                else if(playerx < window.innerWidth / 2 - 100 && GameAreaL1BackgroundPositionx < 0){
                    characteredgescroll = true;
                    playerx = window.innerWidth / 2 - 100;
                    if(GameAreaL1BackgroundPositionx <= - charspeed){
                        tempx += charspeed;
                        GameAreaL1BackgroundPositionx += charspeed;
                        tempx += - GameAreaL1BackgroundPositionx;
                        GameAreaL1BackgroundPositionx += - GameAreaL1BackgroundPositionx;
                    GameAreaL1.style.backgroundPosition = GameAreaL1BackgroundPositionx + "px " + GameAreaL1BackgroundPositiony + "px";
                    characteredgescroll = false;
                    Player.style.marginLeft = playerx - (window.innerWidth / 2 - 512) + "px";   
                    Player.style.marginTop = playery - (window.innerHeight /2 - 384) + "px";
                if(playery > window.innerHeight / 2 + 100 && GameAreaL1BackgroundPositiony > - (GameAreaL1BackgroundHeight - 768)){
                    characteredgescroll = true;
                    playery = window.innerHeight/ 2 + 100;
                    if(- (GameAreaL1BackgroundHeight - 768) - GameAreaL1BackgroundPositiony <= - charspeed){
                        tempy -= charspeed;
                        GameAreaL1BackgroundPositiony -= charspeed;
                        tempy += - (GameAreaL1BackgroundHeight - 768) - GameAreaL1BackgroundPositiony;
                        GameAreaL1BackgroundPositiony += - (GameAreaL1BackgroundHeight - 768) - GameAreaL1BackgroundPositiony;
                    GameAreaL1.style.backgroundPosition = GameAreaL1BackgroundPositionx + "px " + GameAreaL1BackgroundPositiony + "px";
                else if(playery < window.innerHeight / 2 - 100 && GameAreaL1BackgroundPositiony < 0){
                    characteredgescroll = true;
                    playery = window.innerHeight / 2 - 100;
                    if(GameAreaL1BackgroundPositiony <= - charspeed){
                        tempy += charspeed;
                        GameAreaL1BackgroundPositiony += charspeed;
                        tempy += - GameAreaL1BackgroundPositiony;
                        GameAreaL1BackgroundPositiony += - GameAreaL1BackgroundPositiony;
                    GameAreaL1.style.backgroundPosition = GameAreaL1BackgroundPositionx + "px " + GameAreaL1BackgroundPositiony + "px";
                    characteredgescroll = false;
                    Player.style.marginLeft = playerx - (window.innerWidth / 2 - 512) + "px";   
                    Player.style.marginTop = playery - (window.innerHeight /2 - 384) + "px";
    /* ========== */

    /* Move character calling the movespeed function : Get the direction (pos/neg values of the axes) */
        function charactermovement(){
            /* Set Values */
                tempx = posx;
                tempy = posy;
                playercanlook = false;
                charisdragged = true;
                charisdragged = false;
            /* ========== */
            if(target == false){ 
                if(playerismoving == false){
                    playerismoving = true;
                    charspeedcall = setInterval(function(){charactermovementspeed()},1);
    /* ========== */

    /* Continue to move character if lmb is held */
        function characterdrag(){
            chardrag = setInterval(function(){charactermovement()},1);
            charisdragged = true;
        function characterdragstop(){
            charisdragged = false;
    /* ========== */
/* ==========*/
도움이 되었습니까?


This was the closest I could come. I didn't like it that much though because I had to rely on a global. I tried other things like canceling the onmousedown event, but nothing I did could subsequently cause the onclick event from firing.

Incidentally I noticed that rightclick throws an onclick event in FF, but not in Chrome. I didn't check IE.


//global to store whether we rightclicked
var rightclick = false;

//use mousedown to detect rightclick
document.onmousedown = function (e) {
    e = e || window.event;
    switch (e.which) {
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
            rightclick = true;      //store click in global

//in onclick, which fires after onmousedown, check whether it was from a right click
document.onclick = function (e) {
    if (rightclick) {
        rightclick = false;

document.addEventListener("contextmenu", function (e) {
}, false);

다른 팁

You can check the event.button property to check which button was clicked

Douglas Crockford talked about that... Only Microsoft get the mouse buttons right. W3C made it wrong. You can not just disable RMB, you must filter it.

* Left button   0
* Middle button 1
* Right button  2

* Left button   1
* Middle button 4
* Right button  2

Put this peace of code in your event functions, to filter mouse buttons

mouse = e.button || e.which;    // w3s || MS
// ff 0 ie 1
mouse_left = e.button ? this.mouse === 0 ? true : false : this.mouse === 1 ? true : false;// w3c 0; ms 1;
// ff 2 ie 2
mouse_right = this.mouse === 2 ? true : false;  // w3c 2; ms 2; //right mouse button clicked
// ff 1 ie 4
this.mouse_middle = 0;

Use this functions to stop event bubbling and prevent default right click actions:

stop_bubbling = function () {
    obj.e.cancelBubble = true;  // MS inhereted from Netscape
    if(obj.e.stopPropagation){obj.e.stopPropagation();} // w3c

prevent_default_action = function () {
    obj.e.returnValue = false;  //MS
    if( obj.e.preventDefault){obj.e.preventDefault();}  // w3c
    return false;

Alright I used mrtsherman's code. But I removed the last parts and put the whole thing right into my function, and it triggers the interval if LMB is pressed. I don't really understand the code so... That's why. Also, I already see that, I'm probably gonna have the same problem with future actions, so In the end I might need to use a global anyway, but, still, I'm doing this for my personal pleasure !

function characterdrag(){
    document.onmousedown = function (e) {
        e = e || window.event;
        switch (e.which) {
            case 1:
                chardrag = setInterval(function(){charactermovement()},1);
                charisdragged = true;
            case 2:
            case 3:
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