
I rethrow an exception with "throw;", but the stacktrace is incorrect:

static void Main(string[] args) {
    try {
        try {
            throw new Exception("Test"); //Line 12
        catch (Exception ex) {
            throw; //Line 15
    catch (Exception ex) {

The right stacktrace should be:

System.Exception: Test
   at ConsoleApplication1.Program.Main(String[] args) in Program.cs:Line 12

But I get:

System.Exception: Test
   at ConsoleApplication1.Program.Main(String[] args) in Program.cs:Line 15

But line 15 is the position of the "throw;". I have tested this with .NET 3.5.

도움이 되었습니까?


Throwing twice in the same method is probably a special case - I've not been able to create a stack trace where different lines in the same method follow each other. As the word says, a "stack trace" shows you the stack frames that an exception traversed. And there is only one stack frame per method call!

If you throw from another method, throw; will not remove the entry for Foo(), as expected:

  static void Main(string[] args)
     catch (Exception ex)

  static void Rethrower()
     catch (Exception ex)


  static void Foo()
     throw new Exception("Test"); 

If you modify Rethrower() and replace throw; by throw ex;, the Foo() entry in the stack trace disappears. Again, that's the expected behavior.

다른 팁

It's something that can be considered as expected. Modifying stack trace is usual case if you specify throw ex;, FxCop will than notify you that stack is modified. In case you make throw;, no warning is generated, but still, the trace will be modified. So unfortunately for now it's the best not to catch the ex or throw it as an inner one. I think it should be considered as a Windows impact or smth like that - edited. Jeff Richter describes this situation in more detail in his "CLR via C#":

The following code throws the same exception object that it caught and causes the CLR to reset its starting point for the exception:

private void SomeMethod() {
  try { ... }
  catch (Exception e) {
    throw e; // CLR thinks this is where exception originated.
    // FxCop reports this as an error

In contrast, if you re-throw an exception object by using the throw keyword by itself, the CLR doesn’t reset the stack’s starting point. The following code re-throws the same exception object that it caught, causing the CLR to not reset its starting point for the exception:

private void SomeMethod() {
  try { ... }
  catch (Exception e) {
    throw; // This has no effect on where the CLR thinks the exception
    // originated. FxCop does NOT report this as an error

In fact, the only difference between these two code fragments is what the CLR thinks is the original location where the exception was thrown. Unfortunately, when you throw or rethrow an exception, Windows does reset the stack’s starting point. So if the exception becomes unhandled, the stack location that gets reported to Windows Error Reporting is the location of the last throw or re-throw, even though the CLR knows the stack location where the original exception was thrown. This is unfortunate because it makes debugging applications that have failed in the field much more difficult. Some developers have found this so intolerable that they have chosen a different way to implement their code to ensure that the stack trace truly reflects the location where an exception was originally thrown:

private void SomeMethod() {
  Boolean trySucceeds = false;
  try {
    trySucceeds = true;
  finally {
    if (!trySucceeds) { /* catch code goes in here */ }

This is a well known limitation in the Windows version of the CLR. It uses Windows' built-in support for exception handling (SEH). Problem is, it is stack frame based and a method has only one stack frame. You can easily solve the problem by moving the inner try/catch block into another helper method, thus creating another stack frame. Another consequence of this limitation is that the JIT compiler won't inline any method that contains a try statement.

How can I preserve the REAL stacktrace?

You throw a new exception, and include the original exception as the inner exception.

but that's Ugly... Longer... Makes you choice the rigth exception to throw....

You are wrong about the ugly but right about the other two points. The rule of thumb is: don't catch unless you are going to do something with it, like wrap it, modify it, swallow it, or log it. If you decide to catch and then throw again, make sure you are doing something with it, otherwise just let it bubble up.

You may also be tempted to put a catch simply so you can breakpoint within the catch, but the Visual Studio debugger has enough options to make that practice unnecessary, try using first chance exceptions or conditional breakpoints instead.


The behavior is actually different, but subtilely so. As for why the behavior if different, I'll need to defer to a CLR expert.

EDIT: AlexD's answer seems to indicate that this is by design.

Throwing the exception in the same method that catches it confuses the situation a little, so let's throw an exception from another method:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;

    public static void Throw()
        int a = 0;
        int b = 10 / a;

If throw; is used, the callstack is (line numbers replaced with code):

at Throw():line (int b = 10 / a;)
at Main():line (throw;) // This has been modified

If throw ex; is used, the callstack is:

at Main():line (throw ex;)

If exception is not caught, the callstack is:

at Throw():line (int b = 10 / a;)
at Main():line (Throw())

Tested in .NET 4 / VS 2010

There is a duplicate question here.

As I understand it - throw; is compiled into 'rethrow' MSIL instruction and it modifies the last frame of the stack-trace.

I would expect it to keep the original stack-trace and add the line where it has been re-thrown, but apparently there can only be one stack frame per method call.

Conclusion: avoid using throw; and wrap your exception in a new one on re-throwing - it's not ugly, it's best practice.

You can preserve stack trace using


Here is code sample:

    static void CallAndThrow()
        throw new ApplicationException("Test app ex", new Exception("Test inner ex"));

    static void Main(string[] args)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    var dispatchException = ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(ex);

                    // rollback tran, etc

            catch (Exception ex)
                var dispatchException = ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(ex);

                // other rollbacks

        catch (Exception ex)


The output will be something like:

Test app ex
Test inner ex
   at TestApp.Program.CallAndThrow() in D:\Projects\TestApp\TestApp\Program.cs:line 19
   at TestApp.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\Projects\TestApp\TestApp\Program.cs:line 30
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at TestApp.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\Projects\TestApp\TestApp\Program.cs:line 38
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at TestApp.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\Projects\TestApp\TestApp\Program.cs:line 47

OK, there seems to be a bug in the .NET Framework, if you throw an exception, and rethrow it in the same method, the original line number is lost (it will be the last line of the method).

Fortunatelly, a clever guy named Fabrice MARGUERIE found a solution to this bug. Below is my version, which you can test in this .NET Fiddle.

private static void RethrowExceptionButPreserveStackTrace(Exception exception)
    System.Reflection.MethodInfo preserveStackTrace = typeof(Exception).GetMethod("InternalPreserveStackTrace",
      System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic);
    preserveStackTrace.Invoke(exception, null);
      throw exception;

Now catch the exception as usually, but instead of throw; just call this method, and voila, the original line number will be preserved!

Not sure whether this is by design, but I think it has always been like that.

If the original throw new Exception is in a separate method, then the result for throw should have the original method name and line number and then the line number in main where the exception is re-thrown.

If you use throw ex, then the result will just be the line in main where the exception is rethrow.

In other words, throw ex loses all the stacktrace, whereas throw preserves the stack trace history (ie details of the lower level methods). But if your exception is generated by the same method as your rethrow, then you can lose some information.

NB. If you write a very simple and small test program, the Framework can sometimes optimise things and change a method to be inline code which means the results may differ from a 'real' program.

Do you want your right line number? Just use one try/catch per method. In systems, well... just in the UI layer, not in logic or data access, this is very annoying, because if you need database transactions, well, they shouldn't be in the UI layer, and you won't have the right line number, but if you don't need them, don't rethrow with nor without an exception in catch...

5 minutes sample code:

Menu File -> New Project, place three buttons, and call the following code in each one:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    catch (Exception ex)
        MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "In. Ex.: " + ex.InnerException);

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    catch (Exception ex)
            MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "In. Ex.: " + ex.InnerException);

private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    catch (Exception ex)
        MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "In. Ex.: " + ex.InnerException);

Now, create a new Class:

class Class1
    public int a;
    public static void testWithoutTC()
        Class1 obj = null;
        obj.a = 1;
    public static void testWithTC1()
            Class1 obj = null;
            obj.a = 1;
    public static void testWithTC2()
            Class1 obj = null;
            obj.a = 1;
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;

Run... the first button is beautiful!

I think this is less a case of stack trace changing and more to do with the way the line number for the stack trace is determined. Trying it out in Visual Studio 2010, the behaviour is similar to what you would expect from the MSDN documentation: "throw ex;" rebuilds the stack trace from the point of this statement, "throw;" leaves the stack trace as it as, except that where ever the exception is rethrown, the line number is the location of the rethrow and not the call the exception came through.

So with "throw;" the method call tree is left unaltered, but the line numbers may change.

I've come across this a few times, and it may be by design and just not documented fully. I can understand why they may have done this as the rethrow location is very useful to know, and if your methods are simple enough the original source would usually be obvious anyway.

As many other people have said, it usually best to not catch the exception unless you really have to, and/or you are going to deal with it at that point.

Interesting side note: Visual Studio 2010 won't even let me build the code as presented in the question as it picks up the divide by zero error at compile time.

That is because you catched the Exception from Line 12 and have rethrown it on Line 15, so the Stack Trace takes it as cash, that the Exception was thrown from there.

To better handle exceptions, you should simply use try...finally, and let the unhandled Exception bubble up.

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