
I just created a new gem (using bundler) and want to add Active Record support. So I added s.add_dependency "activerecord", "~> 3.0" to my gemspec. Then I use Bundler.setup and Bundler.require and thought that I have access to Active Record now, but I haven't. I have to explicitly use require "active_record". Any idea why Bundler.require does not work for me in that case?

도움이 되었습니까?


Firstly, if you're packaging a gem, do not use Bundler.require. Bundler.require is for apps not gems.

  • In .gemspec, specify the dependencies of your deployed gem.

  • In your Gemfile, include the line gemspec to automatically include the dependencies listed in your .gemspec in your Gemfile.

    You may also optionally create gem groups for dev and test.

  • In your code, explicitly require any libraries you need.

I lost a couple of hours on this today so I hope this helps.

(Sources 1, 2)

Secondly, though the ActiveRecord gem is called "activerecord", the lib is called "active_record". This is what you would need in Gemfile.

gem 'activerecord', :require => "active_record"

Unless you include the :require option, ActiveRecord won't be loaded correctly and you won't know about it until you try to use it.

다른 팁

If you want use Bundler you need define your Gemfile with Activerecord

gem 'activerecord', "~> 3.0.0"

Or you need define bundler to use your gemspec with adding gemspec in your Gemfile


See http://gembundler.com/rubygems.html

I had this problem, and the issue in my case was that I was naming a directory in my gem active record, as in:

lib ->
  active_record ->
    base.rb <- containing some monkey patches to base

This was causing mass confusion including sweet error messages like:

Gem Load Error is: uninitialized constant ActiveRecord::Base
Did you mean?  ActiveRecord::Base

Simply moving changing the file from lib/active_record/base.rb to lib/active_record_base.rb fixed it for me.

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