
I'm evaluating MVC 3 and Razor. All was going well until I tried right clicking on Views\Shared and Add..View... I check the 'Create a partial' checkbox, strongly typed view, choose an entity, Razor, Empty... When I press OK, I get a huge error. Template Processing resulted in 1 Errors. The following exception was thrown: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Domain, Version- Trying this on a coworkers machine gave me no problems. We have the same version of MVC 3 installed. Any ideas why her's works just fine but I am getting this error? I have tried running as Administrator as well. Still no luck. Oddly if I uncheck strongly typed view, the partial view is created without a problem. Does anyone know how I can remedy this?

Thanks For any tips or help,
~ck in San Diego

도움이 되었습니까?


I'm new to this and have the same issue. A workaround seems to be to remove the reference, create the partial view and than add the reference again. So it seems to be something inside this reference (corrupt).

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