
I'll try to explain it as simple as possible:

First some database structure with dummy data.



feature     value
1           1
1           2
1           3
1           4
1           5
2           2
2           3
3           1
3           4
4           2
4           3
4           4
5           1
5           3
5           5
6           3
6           5


feature_id  filter
1           2
2           2
3           2
4           2
5           1
6           0


value_id    name
1           10
2           20
3           30
4           40
5           50

Now, what I want is the follow result


feature_id  min_value   max_value
1           10          50
2           20          30
3           10          40
4           20          40

But how?


Get from the tb_spec_feature where "filter" equals 2 the highest and lowest values which are present in the tb_spec_value table and connected together trough the tb_spec_fk table.

My attemps

A lot! But I'll spare you :)

도움이 되었습니까?


    f.feature_id AS feature_id,
    MAX(value.name) AS max_value,
    MIN(value.name) AS min_value
FROM tb_spec_feature AS f
    JOIN tb_spec_fk AS fk ON f.feature_id=fk.feature
    JOIN tb_spec_value AS value ON fk.value=value.id
WHERE f.filter=2
GROUP BY f.feature_id

The two JOIN statements "link" the a feature to a value. GROUP BY groups all rows with the same feature id, and then you can take the min or max or any other aggregate function on those columns.


다른 팁

Here is how you can do it

    tsvl.name as Min_Value,
    tsvr.name as Max_Value
from tb_spec_feature as tsf
inner join (select feature , MIN(value) MinV,MAX(value)MaxV from tb_spec_fk group by feature order by feature)as tsfkl on tsfkl.feature = tsf.feature_id
left join tb_spec_value as tsvl on tsvl.value_id = tsfkl.MinV
left join tb_spec_value as tsvr on tsvr.value_id = tsfkl.MaxV
where tsf.filter = 2
group by tsf.feature_id


feature_id  | Min_Value | Max_Value
1           |   10      |   50
2           |   20      |   30
3           |   10      |   40
4           |   20      |   40

Fiddle Demo

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