
I would like to create a report that shows the iteration status in real time. I was able to create a query on the Tfs_Warehouse database (see below) however I found that this database is populated from the Tfs_Collection database on timely basis.

Is there a way that I can see the changes to the work items reflected in the report right away?

 FROM [CurrentWorkItemView] c 
 left join [vDimWorkItemTreeOverlay] t on t.WorkItemSK = c.WorkItemSK
 where c.IterationName = @iteration and c.System_WorkItemType = 'User Story'
 order by  c.Microsoft_VSTS_Common_StackRank, c.System_id

Note: this not the full query because I couldn't fit it nicely. Basically it joins 2 table (CurrentWorkItemView and vDimWorkItemTreeOverlay) to get the user stories and associated tasks to each user story.

도움이 되었습니까?


No, not through the warehouse. When you need up to date information from the work items, use a work item query in Excel or Visual Studio.

You can also use the TFS api to query the operational datastore directly.

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