
I'm writing a code to backup a MySQL database into a binary file. I'm aware of mysqldump but for some reasons I can't use trivial methods. What I'm currently doing:

  1. read schema definition
  2. sort tables by foreign key dependencies
  3. select rows in all tables (100 rows each time) and write them in a binary file

Definition of Dependency: A table T1 depends on existence of table T2 if and only if at least there is one foreign key in T1 pointing to T2's key.

A numeric value is assigned to each table. This value specifies order of tables. For tables with no dependency, this value is 0 for others it's maximum value of tables that current table depends on them; plus one. If there is a -1 in the set of values of depended tables, value of current table remains undefined (-1). Initially value of all tables is -1 which means unspecified.

This is C++ code:

// tablesQueue: Queue of all tables
// orderedQueue: Resulting order

while(! tablesQueue.isEmpty())
    bool satisfied = true;
    foreach(TableNode* parent, tablesQueue.head()->referencedTables)
        if(parent->degreeOfFreedom == -1)
            satisfied = false;
           // handle error blah blah ... 
        int max =0;
        foreach(TableNode* parent, tablesQueue.head()->referencedTables)
        max = (max < parent->degreeOfFreedom+1) ? 
                  parent->degreeOfFreedom+1 : max;
        tablesQueue.head()->degreeOfFreedom = max;

If there is a cycle in dependency graph of tables, this algorithm does not terminate.

Normally is this OK to have such a design for tables? For example two tables having foreign key to each other. Surprisingly I found that example databases provided by Oracle for MySQL (sakila) have a lot of such cycles. I'm supposing that it's possible to remove all that cycles by adding a third table [?]

도움이 되었습니까?


Circular dependencies are fairly common. Some examples:

  • A table references itself when implementing the "adjacency list" hierarchy.
  • Two tables reference each other when implementing the 1:1* relationship.
  • Two tables referencing each other is one of the possible implementations for the 1:N relationship (where one of the rows on the "N" side is "special").
  • Furthermore, I've seen situations with multiple tables forming a "ring"...

So yes, it is "OK" to to have circular dependencies.

* Strictly, a true 1:1 requires deferred constraints to solve the chicken-and-egg problem (which are not supported in MySQL), otherwise you can only have 1:0..1 or 0..1:0..1. But in all these cases, you have two tables referencing each other.

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