
I have been searching for an easy way to get the ServerName of the machine where Symfony runs in Symfony (so that my app adapts when it is used on a host with a different ServerName), but I couldn't find one. I created a variable in app.yml and I fetch it, but I still wonder if there is no easier way to do this. How are you doing this? I'm using Symfony 1.2 and 1.4 on different projects.

도움이 되었습니까?


I think I found something :


This seems to work... it will work only it there is a request of course, so it is not universal.

다른 팁

Not very nice, but I use $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] in my front controller file, and use that to determine the environment I'm activating:

$env = "prod";
if (preg_match("/qahost\.tld$/", $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]))
  $env = "qa";
$configuration = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration('frontend', $env, false);

I'd be interested to see the proper approach :-)

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