
I have the following Java Server Faces 2.0 composite component. Notice i am using verbatim


    <composite:attribute name="id" required="false"/>
    <composite:attribute name="firstName" required="false"/>
    <composite:attribute name="lastName" required="false"/>
    <composite:attribute name="age" required="false"/>
    <composite:attribute name="rendered" required="false"/>
    <f:verbatim id="#{cc.attrs.id}" rendered="#{cc.attrs.rendered}">
                <p>First name</p>
                <h:outputText value="#{cc.attrs.firstName}"/>
                <p>Last name</p>
                <h:outputText value="#{cc.attrs.lastName}"/>
                <h:outputText value="#{cc.attrs.age}"/>

In order to use ajax, i have done (Notice render attribute)

<h:form id="search">
    <h:commandButton value="Search" action="#{customerSearchController.search}">
        <f:ajax execute="@form" render="search:result"/>
<customer:customer id="result"
                   rendered="#{customerSearchController.customer != null}"

My CustomerSearchController is shown as follows

private Customer customer;

// getter's and setter's

public void search() {
    customer = new Customer();



Both CustomerSearchController and Customer are managed beans. But when i call ajax request, it complains: search:result not found

What should do i to solve this issue ???

도움이 되었습니까?


<f:ajax render> should point to an existing client ID in the HTML DOM tree. However, since search:result element is not available in the HTML DOM tree because it's not rendered by the server side, JS/ajax cannot find anything in HTML DOM tree to update/render.

Wrap it in another element which is always available in the HTML DOM tree so that Ajax can locate it.

<h:panelGroup id="result">
    <customer:customer rendered="..." />

Unrelated to the actual problem, note that f:verbatim is supposed to contain only verbatim (plain HTML), not JSF components. Replace it by h:panelGroup.

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