
  1. What does "\x1B[?25h" do?

  2. How is "\x1BE" different from "\n"? According to http://ascii-table.com/ansi-escape-sequences-vt-100.php it "moves to next line"? Seems like that's what "\n" does?

    I tried echo "xxx\nxxx\n" and echo "xxx\x1BExxx\n" in PHP and they both output the same thing.

Any ideas?


도움이 되었습니까?


These are ANSI escape sequences (also known as VT100 codes) are an early standardisation of control codes pre-dating ASCII.

The escape sequence \x1BE, or Esc+E, is NEL or "Next line", and is used on older terminals and mainframes to denote CR+LF, or \r\n.

The escape sequence \x1B[ (Esc+[) is an example of a Control Sequence Introducer. (\x9B is another single-character CSI.) The control sequence ?25h following it is used to show the cursor.

Most terminals will support these control codes; to enter escape sequences you can type Ctrl+V, Ctrl+[ which should render as ^[ (the C0 code for ESC), followed by the escape code.


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