
I am trying to implement routing in cakephp. I want the urls to mapped like this...

www.example.com/nodes/main -> www.example.com/main www.example.com/nodes/about -> www.example.com/about

So for this I wrote in my config/routes.php file..

Router::connect('/:action', array('controller' => 'nodes'));

Now, I got the thing going but when I click on the links, the url in browser appears like www.example.com/nodes/main www.example.com/nodes/about

Is there some way where I can get the urls to appear the way they are routed? Setting in .htaccess or httpd.conf would be easy - but I don't have access to that.

Regards Vikram

도움이 되었습니까?


This should work:

Router::connect('/main', array('controller' => 'nodes', 'action' => 'main'));
Router::connect('/about', array('controller' => 'nodes', 'action' => 'about'));

You may also do something more powerful, like this:

$actions = array('main','about');
foreach ($actions as $action){
   Router::connect('/$action', array('controller' => 'nodes', 'action' => '$action'));

다른 팁

Basically if your links are created with Html helper, with the following format:

<?php echo $this->Html->link('your link', array('controller'=>'nodes', 'action'=>'main'));?>

Then the Cake will convert the links properly to www.example.com/main

But if your links are

<?php echo $this->Html->link('your link', '/nodes/main/');?>

they will point to www.example.com/nodes/main

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