
I know the actual button's handle. What I would like to check if that button was clicked and if so that would trigger an autohotkey script.

Thanks in advance!

도움이 되었습니까?


You are right. You can use this instead of ImgSearch.

ControlGetPos, x, y, w, h, button1, ahk_class CalcFrame
MsgBox, %x% %y% %w% %h%

So you would have to run the ControlGetPos after each mouse click (only when the target window title is active) and then compare the actual mouse coordinates with the button click area.

Here is some code for the calculator:

#SingleInstance Force

#IfWinActive, ahk_class CalcFrame
    MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
    ControlGetPos, ButtonX, ButtonY, ButtonW, ButtonH, button1, ahk_class CalcFrame
    ButtonX2:=ButtonX + ButtonW
    ButtonY2:=ButtonY + ButtonH
    if MouseX between %ButtonX% and %ButtonX2%
        if MouseY between %ButtonY% and %ButtonY2%
            MsgBox, You pressed the MC button

다른 팁

Have you tried using ImgSearch to "dynamically" find the XY coordinates of the button and then do an if (MouseX => ImageX and MouseX =< ImageX + ImageWidth)?

Pseudo code (not tested):

Settimer, FindButton, 1000
Settitlematchmode, 2

IfWinActive, YourAppWindowTitle
    ImageSearch, ImageX, ImageY, 0, 0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, C:\ButtonImage.bmp

#IfWinActive, YourAppWindowTitle
MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
if (MouseX => ImageX and MouseX =< ImageX + ImageWidth)
    if (MouseY => ImageY and MouseY =< ImageY + ImageHeight)
        Run your code here
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