
I'm probably doing something incredibly stupid, but I can't seem to make this reduction work (there is probably a library that does this already, but this is for self-learning, so please bear with me). I'm trying to find the median of an array of integer entries by taking the median of medians approach, which I've coded below:

__global__ void gpuMedOdd(int *entries, int *med) {
        extern __shared__ int sdata[];

        int tid = threadIdx.x;
        int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

        sdata[tid] = entries[i];

        for(int s = blockDim.x / 3; s > 0; s /= 3) {
                if(tid < s) {
                        int list[3];
                        list[0] = sdata[tid], list[1] = sdata[tid + s], list[2] = sdata[tid + 2 * s];
                        if(list[1] < list[0])
                                swapGpu(list[1], list[0]);
                        if(list[2] < list[0])
                                swapGpu(list[2], list[0]);
                        if(list[2] < list[1])
                                swapGpu(list[2], list[1]);

                        sdata[tid] = list[1];


        *med = sdata[0];

I invoke this kernel function as:

gpuMedOdd<<<9, numEntries / 9>>>(d_entries, d_med);

I then copy the value in d_med over into med and print out that value. Unfortunately, this value is always 0, regardless of input. What am I doing wrong?

Edit: I forgot to mention, swapGpu(a, b) is defined as below:

__device__ inline void swapGpu(int a, int b) {
        int dum = a;
        a = b;
        b = dum;

Edit2: As suggested below, here is the entirety of the code.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>

#define checkCudaErrors(err) __checkCudaErrors(err, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define getLastCudaError(msg) __getLastCudaError(msg, __FILE__, __LINE__)

inline void __checkCudaErrors(cudaError err, const char *file, const int line) {
        if(cudaSuccess != err) {
                std::cout << file << "(" << line << ") : CUDA Runtime API error " << (int) err << ": " << cudaGetErrorString(err) << std::endl;

inline void __getLastCudaError(const char *errorMsg, const char *file, const int line) {
        cudaError_t err = cudaGetLastError();
        if(cudaSuccess != err) {
                std::cout << file << "(" << line << ") : getLastCudaError() CUDA error : " << errorMsg << " : (" << (int) err << ") " << cudaGetErrorString(err) << std::endl;

int cpuMin(int *entries, int numEntries) {
        int minVal = entries[0];

        for(int i = 1; i < numEntries; i++)
                if(entries[i] < minVal)
                        minVal = entries[i];

        return minVal;

int cpuMax(int *entries, int numEntries) {
        int maxVal = entries[0];

        for(int i = 1; i < numEntries; i++)
                if(entries[i] > maxVal)
                        maxVal = entries[i];

        return maxVal;

inline void swap(int a, int b) {
        int dum = a;
        a = b;
        b = dum;

__device__ inline void swapGpu(int a, int b) {
        int dum = a;
        a = b;
        b = dum;

__global__ void gpuMedOdd(int *entries, int *med, int numEntries) {
        extern __shared__ int sdata[];

        int tid = threadIdx.x;
        int i = blockIdx.x * (blockDim.x * 3) + threadIdx.x;

        if(i + 2 * blockDim.x < numEntries) {
                int list[3];
                list[0] = entries[i], list[1] = entries[i + blockDim.x], list[2] = entries[i + 2 * blockDim.x];
                if(list[1] < list[0])
                        swapGpu(list[1], list[0]);
                if(list[2] < list[0])
                        swapGpu(list[2], list[0]);
                if(list[2] < list[1])
                        swapGpu(list[2], list[1]);

                sdata[tid] = list[1];


        for(int s = blockDim.x / 3; s > 0; s /= 3) {
                if(tid < s && tid + 2 * s < blockDim.x) {
                        int list[3];
                        list[0] = sdata[tid], list[1] = sdata[tid + s], list[2] = sdata[tid + 2 * s];
                        if(list[1] < list[0])
                                swapGpu(list[1], list[0]);
                        if(list[2] < list[0])
                                swapGpu(list[2], list[0]);
                        if(list[2] < list[1])
                                swapGpu(list[2], list[1]);

                        sdata[tid] = list[1];


        *med = sdata[0];

__global__ void gpuMin(int *entries, int *min, int numEntries) {
        extern __shared__ int sdata[];

        int tid = threadIdx.x;
        int i = blockIdx.x * (blockDim.x * 2) + threadIdx.x;

        if(i + blockDim.x < numEntries)
                sdata[tid] = (entries[i] < entries[i + blockDim.x]) ? entries[i] : entries[i + blockDim.x];

        for(int s = blockDim.x / 2; s > 0; s >>= 1) {
                if(tid < s)
                        sdata[tid] = (sdata[tid] < sdata[tid + s]) ? sdata[tid] : sdata[tid + s];


        *min = sdata[0];

__global__ void gpuMax(int *entries, int *max, int numEntries) {
        extern __shared__ int sdata[];

        int tid = threadIdx.x;
        int i = blockIdx.x * (blockDim.x * 2) + threadIdx.x;

        if(i + blockDim.x < numEntries)
                sdata[tid] = (entries[i] > entries[i + blockDim.x]) ? entries[i] : entries[i + blockDim.x];

        for(int s = blockDim.x / 2; s > 0; s >>= 1) {
                if(tid < s)
                        sdata[tid] = (sdata[tid] > sdata[tid + s]) ? sdata[tid] : sdata[tid + s];


    *max = sdata[0];

int partition(int *entries, int left, int right, int pivotIdx) {
        int i, storeIdx = left, pivot = entries[pivotIdx];

        swap(entries[pivotIdx], entries[right]);

        for(i = left; i < right; i++)
                if(entries[i] < pivot) {
                        swap(entries[i], entries[storeIdx]);

        return storeIdx;

int cpuSelect(int *entries, int left, int right, int k) {
        if(left == right)
                return entries[left];

        int pivotIdx = ((left + right) >> 2) + 1, pivotNewIdx, pivotDist;

        pivotNewIdx = partition(entries, left, right, pivotIdx);

        pivotDist = pivotNewIdx - left + 1;

        if(pivotDist == k)
                return entries[pivotNewIdx];

        else if(k < pivotDist)
                return cpuSelect(entries, left, pivotNewIdx - 1, k);

                return cpuSelect(entries, pivotNewIdx + 1, right, k - pivotDist);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        if(argc != 3) {
                std::cout << "ERROR: Incorrect number of input arguments" << std::endl;
                std::cout << "Proper usage: " << argv[0] << " fileName numEntries" << std::endl;

        std::ifstream inp(argv[1]);

        if(!inp.is_open()) {
                std::cout << "ERROR: File I/O error" << std::endl;
                std::cout << "Could not find file " << argv[1] << std::endl;

        int numEntries = atoi(argv[2]), i = 0;

        int *entries = new int[numEntries];

        while(inp >> entries[i] && i < numEntries)

        if(i < numEntries) {
                std::cout << "ERROR: File I/O error" << std::endl;
                std::cout << "Command-line input suggested " << numEntries << " entries, but only found " << i << " entries" << std::endl;

        if(inp >> i) {
                std::cout << "ERROR: File I/O error" << std::endl;
                std::cout << "Command-line input suggested " << numEntries << " entries, but file contains more entries" << std::endl;

        int min, max;
        int *d_entries, *d_min, *d_max;

        checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc(&d_entries, sizeof(int) * numEntries));
        checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc(&d_min, sizeof(int)));
        checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc(&d_max, sizeof(int)));

        checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpy(d_entries, entries, sizeof(int) * numEntries, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));

        gpuMin<<<16, numEntries / 16, numEntries / 16 * sizeof(int)>>>(d_entries, d_min, numEntries);
        getLastCudaError("kernel launch failure");
        gpuMax<<<16, numEntries / 16, numEntries / 16 * sizeof(int)>>>(d_entries, d_max, numEntries);
        getLastCudaError("kernel launch failure");

        checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpy(&min, d_min, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
        checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpy(&max, d_max, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));

        std::cout << "The minimum value is: " << min << std::endl;
        std::cout << "The maximum value is: " << max << std::endl;

        if(numEntries % 2) {
                int med, *d_med;
                checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc(&d_med, sizeof(int)));

                gpuMedOdd<<<16, numEntries / 16, 16 * sizeof(int)>>>(d_entries, d_med, numEntries);
                getLastCudaError("kernel launch failure");

                checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpy(&med, d_med, sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));

                std::cout << "The median value is: " << med << std::endl;
        else {
                int *d_med;
                cudaMalloc(&d_med, sizeof(int));
                gpuMedOdd<<<16, numEntries / 16>>>(d_entries, d_med, numEntries);

        min = cpuMin(entries, numEntries);

        max = cpuMax(entries, numEntries);

        if(numEntries % 2) {
                int median = cpuSelect(entries, 0, numEntries - 1, (numEntries - 1) / 2 + 1);
                std::cout << "The median value is: " << median << std::endl;

        else {
                int med2 = cpuSelect(entries, 0, numEntries - 1, numEntries / 2);
                int med1 = cpuSelect(entries, 0, numEntries - 1, numEntries / 2 + 1);

                float median = 0.5 * (med1 + med2);
                std::cout << "The median value is: " << median << std::endl;

        std::cout << "The minimum value is: " << min << std::endl;
        std::cout << "The maximum value is: " << max << std::endl;

도움이 되었습니까?


One thing that jumps out is that your shared memory size isn't set; that is, you declare your shared memory to be

extern __shared__ int sdata[];

but when you invoke your kernel your launch parameters are

gpuMedOdd<<<9, numEntries / 9>>>(...)

If you're setting your __shared__ memory to be extern, then it's expecting to get the number of bytes for shared memory as the 3rd kernel launch parameter. you should instead have

gpuMedOdd<<<9, numEntries / 9, smem_in_bytes>>>(...)

where smem_in_bytes is the size of shared memory for the kernel. If you don't specify a size, it'll default to 0. Hence in your current code, your __shared__ memory array sdata will be 0 bytes long.

EDIT: here's the link to the relevant part of the CUDA Programming Guide: http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-c-programming-guide/index.html#execution-configuration

다른 팁

A problem I see in your code is that you seem to have your launch parameters reversed:

gpuMedOdd<<<16, numEntries / 16, 16 * sizeof(int)>>>(d_entries, d_med, numEntries);

I think you intended:

gpuMedOdd<<< numEntries/16, 16, 16 * sizeof(int)>>>(d_entries, d_med, numEntries);

The first launch parameter is blocks per grid. The second launch parameter is threads per block. Here I'm assuming you wanted to launch 16 threads per block. If in fact your intent was to launch a fixed number of blocks (16) and have the threads per block vary based on input size, then I think this is not typical of good cuda coding, and it will blow up if your input size gets too large, because you will exceed the max threads per block limit. Also, since your shared memory allocation is fixed (64 bytes), I assume you had intended a fixed number of threads per block.

Another suggestion I have is that rather than just reporting "CUDA Runtime Error" you should parse the error code returned. Take a look at the example link I already mentioned.

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