
Please how can I use spl_autoload_register() with Codeigniter? I need to do this because Im using Codeigniter with another framework which also uses autoload.

I saw something here

PHP spl_autoload_register

but I dont know how to target the CodeIgniter autoload. Im new to OOP and Codeigniter. Thanks a lot!

The above link has this:

function autoload_services($class_name){
    $file = 'services/' . $class_name. '.php';
    if (file_exists($file)){

function autoload_vos($class_name){
    $file = 'vos/' . $class_name. '.php';
    if (file_exists($file)){

function autoload_printers($class_name){
    $file = 'printers' . $class_name. '.php';
    if (file_exists($file)){

도움이 되었습니까?


Thanks to http://codeigniter.com/forums/viewthread/73804/#366081 and some bits of information from some CI folk that I follow on twitter (I asked em): Eric Barnes, Dan Horrigan, Phil Sturgeon and Zack Kitzmiller, I found a solution. If you are a CodeIgniter n00b like me, you may like to follow these guys.

I deleted init.php and config.php, then jammed the following into the bottom of my CI's config.php (I am also autoloading from a custom library called mylibrary).

function multi_auto_require($class) {
if(stripos($class, 'CI') === FALSE && stripos($class, 'PEAR') === FALSE) {
    foreach (array('flourish', 'mylibrary') as $folder){
        if (is_file(APPPATH."../auxengines/{$folder}/{$class}.php")){
            include_once APPPATH."../auxengines/{$folder}/{$class}.php";


Works brilliantly. Thanks, people!

다른 팁

Ahhh, I see now (after looking at a prior question you asked)... You're having a problem because there are 2 defined __autoload functions (and hence result in a parse error)...

To fix it, simply rename one of them to something else, and then right after definition call spl_autoload_register('yournewfunctionname');...

That should be all there is to it, so long as I understand your problem...

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