
So I have an asp.net Web Application (Not Web Site) that I am trying to support profiles for anonymous users. I have a form and I want anonymous users to be able to enter their name and email only once, and have that information automatically accessible on the next load for them.

In my Web.config I have anonymous ID setup like so:

<anonymousIdentification enabled="true" cookieless="AutoDetect" />

I have my profile section setup like this:

<profile defaultProvider="SqlProvider" enabled="true" inherits="QA_Web_Tools.UserProfile">
    <clear />
    <add connectionStringName="QAToolsConnectionString" name="SqlProvider"
         type="System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider" />

Finally, due to my app being a Web App and not a Web Site, I am using the profiles via this custom object:

public class UserProfile : ProfileBase
    public static UserProfile GetUserProfile(string username)
        return Create(username) as UserProfile;

    public static UserProfile GetUserProfile()
        return Create(Membership.GetUser().UserName) as UserProfile;

    public string FullName
        get { return base["FullName"] as string; }
        set { base["FullName"] = value; }

    public string BuildEmail
        get { return base["BuildEmail"] as string; }
        set { base["BuildEvmail"] = value; }

This code is based off of this reference.

The issue is that that code does not support anonymous users, or if it does I don't know how. I can't use the GetUserProfile() method with no parameters because if the user is anonymous, Membership.GetUser() is null. I could pass in the anonymous ID token into the first GetUserProfile(string username) method but I cant' find any way to get the anonymous ID token for the current user.

Does anyone know how to get this information? Google doesn't seem to be returning useful results.


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I changed:

public static UserProfile GetUserProfile()
    return Create(Membership.GetUser().UserName) as UserProfile;


    public static UserProfile GetUserProfile()
        return HttpContext.Current.Profile as UserProfile;

and now it works!

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