
I am using Tomcat7 (embedded)

Something like this...

String APP_DIR = "ROOT";
Tomcat current = new Tomcat();
File file = new File(APP_DIR);
if (file.isDirectory() && file.canRead()) {
    ctx = current.addWebapp(null, "", file.getAbsolutePath());
ctx.addServletMapping("*.pdf", "jsp", true);

I have enabled the *.pdf mapping to jsp servlet (some issue I had with IE) is there a way to enable GZIP with this config (I have no web.xml, but if needed I could add to make it work) So far I have only found that I need to add this to my web.xml (which I don't have!)

<Connector port=”8080″ maxHttpHeaderSize=”8192″
maxThreads=”150″ minSpareThreads=”25″ maxSpareThreads=”75″
enableLookups=”false” redirectPort=”8443″ acceptCount=”100″
connectionTimeout=”20000″ disableUploadTimeout=”true”
noCompressionUserAgents=”gozilla, traviata”
도움이 되었습니까?


edit: Updated property compressableMimeType to compressibleMimeType as per comment from pieroxy

I found that you can setup the properties like this:

Tomcat current = new Tomcat();
Connector c = this.current.getConnector();
c.setProperty("compression", "on");
c.setProperty("compressionMinSize", "1024");
c.setProperty("noCompressionUserAgents", "gozilla, traviata");
c.setProperty("compressibleMimeType", "text/html,text/xml, text/css, application/json, application/javascript");

I guess that this also applies for other connector property that you need to set up.

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