
I'm reviewing the capabilities of Googles Guava API and I ran into a data structure that I haven't seen used in my 'real world programming' experience, namely, the BiMap. Is the only benefit of this construct the ability to quickly retrieve a key, for a given value? Are there any problems where the solution is best expressed using a BiMap?

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Any time you want to be able to do a reverse lookup without having to populate two maps. For instance a phone directory where you would like to lookup the phone number by name, but would also like to do a reverse lookup to get the name from the number.

다른 팁

Louis mentioned the memory savings possible in a BiMap implementation. That's the only thing that you can't get by wrapping two Map instances. Still, if you let us wrap the Map instances for you, we can take care of a few edges cases. (You could handle all these yourself, but why bother? :))

  • If you call put(newKey, existingValue), we'll error out immediately to keep the two maps in sync, rather than adding the entry to one map before realizing that it conflicts with an existing mapping in the other. (We provide forcePut if you do want to override the existing value.) We provide similar safeguards for inserting null or other invalid values.
  • BiMap views keep the two maps in sync: If you remove an element from the entrySet of the original BiMap, its corresponding entry is also removed from the inverse. We do the same kind of thing in Entry.setValue.
  • We handle serialization: A BiMap and its inverse stay "connected," and the entries are serialized only once.
  • We provide a smart implementation of inverse() so that foo.inverse().inverse() returns foo, rather than a wrapper of a wrapper.
  • We override values() to return a Set. This set is identical to what you'd get from inverse().keySet() except that it maintains the same iteration order as the original BiMap.
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