
I am trying to make a delete request using ajax method of jquery as follows

  type: 'DELETE',
  url: '/tagz',
  data: {id: taskId},
  success: function(data)

And when I see the console in chrome, I find in the request headers that a GET request is made instead of DELETE. and in firefox console I see the following.

23:50:52:658: Network: DELETE http://test.goje87.com/tagz [HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently 947ms]
23:50:53:614: Network: GET http://test.goje87.com/tagz/ [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 400ms]

On server side I am simply maintaining the following code.

$reqMethod = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];

  case 'GET':
    Utils::printR('Will provide the resource.');
  case 'POST':
    Utils::printR('Will create a new record.');
  case 'PUT':
    Utils::printR('Will update the record.');
  case 'DELETE':
    Utils::printR('Will delete the record.');

I don't see the request getting into the case 'DELETE'. It's getting into the case 'GET' instead.

Following is the .htaccess file that I am using at the server for the purpose of clean urls.

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [L,QSA]

Please help me in making DELETE requests. Thanks!

도움이 되었습니까?


I got it. :)

The problem was with the url ('/tagz') that I was passing in $.ajax. When I changed it to /tagz/ (added another forward slash at the end) it started working fine in Chrome and Firefox.

Thanks guys.

다른 팁

The DELETE method is obviously not supported by the Chrome browser.

It looks like the web server does not allow for DELETE method. Why don't you just use POST method for all your requests and supply instead a variable "action" that will contain the action to be carried?

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