
Following the solution found at Can I access session state from an HTTPModule?, I am able to access the session state from an IHttpModule. I'm using it to control access to some files, so in the event someone doesn't have access, I would like to redirect them to a login page. When I try to do a HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(page); it locks the web server up. So my post acquire request state function looks like this...

 void Application_PostAcquireRequestState(object source, EventArgs e)
        HttpApplication app = (HttpApplication)source;

        MyHttpHandler resourceHttpHandler = HttpContext.Current.Handler as MyHttpHandler;

        if (resourceHttpHandler != null)
            // set the original handler back
            HttpContext.Current.Handler = resourceHttpHandler.OriginalHandler;

        HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
        string filePath = context.Request.FilePath;
        context.Trace.Write("HttpDownloadModule", "File path: " + filePath);

        Boolean hasAccess = true;

        if (filePath.Contains("content/downloads"))
            //check to make sure a session has been established already....
            if (context.Session == null)
                hasAccess = false;

            SecurityBLL security = new SecurityBLL();
            string fileName = filePath.Split('/').Last();

            //check to see if a user is logged in
            if (!CitrixAccess.loggedin)
                hasAccess = false;

            //check access for download
            if (!security.checkSecurityByDownload(fileName))
                hasAccess = false;

            if (!hasAccess)
                HttpContext.Current.Handler = resourceHttpHandler.OriginalHandler;


Any thoughts? Thanks for the help!

도움이 되었습니까?


Ok, so I found a workaround... I moved my hasAccess variable to be global and added an EndRequest handler. So I'm checking for hasAccess in EndRequest and doing the redirect from there.

다른 팁

My answer includes Arthurdent510's answer but I don't have enough reputation to simply comment on his answer haha. His answer helped me A LOT to figure out where I had to go, but it wasn't quite complete for me.

Putting the Response.Redirect call in the EndRequest handler caused an infinite loop. I think this is because the Response.Redirect causes EndRequest to be called. So EndRequest was being called over and over forever.

To get around this, I added a private boolean to indicate if I already called for the redirect. If I already called for the redirect, then I won't call Response.Redirect again. This is what my EndRequest method looked like:

Private Sub Application_EndRequest(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
    If Not _blnHasAccess AndAlso Not _blnRedirected Then
        _blnRedirected = True
    End If
End Sub
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