
I am hoping someone can help me out - I am a Javascript novice for sure. I primarily focus on front-end web site development but a client has asked me if we can display some "cost" options online based on user input. I was able to succeed in the first pass but once I had to calculate based on a select value things stop working.

Here is my first pass which works for my client and calculates correctly since there is only one unit:

<script type="text/javascript"> 
function calcform() { 
    with (document.form1)
        { result.value = +number1.value * .75+ +number3.value} /*Calculates Option 1 One Year     Costs.*/
        { result2.value = +number1.value * .75+ +number3.value + +number3.value} /*Calculates     Option 1 Two Years.*/
        { result3.value = +number1.value * .75}/*Calculates Option 1 Leasing Fees.*/
        { result4.value = +number1.value * .08}/*Calculates Option 2 Leasing Fees.*/
        { result5.value = +number1.value * .08 *12 +500}/*Calculates Option 2 One Year Costs.*/
        { result6.value = +number1.value * .08 *24 +500}/*Calculates Option 2 Two Years.*/
    <form name="form1" action=""> 
            <h5>Prospective Owners Cost Calculator:</h5><br/>
            <h4>Enter Your Anticipated Monthly Rent Here:<br/>
                <input type="text" id="number1" value="" size="20" />
            <input type="button" id="Calculate" value="Calculate" onclick="calcform()" />
            <input type="reset" id="reset" value=" Clear "/>
                    <strong>Option 1</strong>
                <h4>Leasing Fee (75% of one month's rent):<br /> 
                    <input type="text" id="result3" value="" size="40" />
                <h4>Monthly Management Fee (Fixed $79 x 12 months):<br />
                    <input type="text" id="number3" value="948" size="40" />
                <h4>Total First Year:<br /> 
                    <input type="text" id="result" value="" size="40" />
                <h4>Total After 2 Years (assuming lease renewal):<br />
                    <input type="text" id="result2" value="" size="40" />
                    <strong>Option 2</strong>
                <h4>Leasing Fee ($500 fixed):<br />
                    <input type="text" id="number5" value="500" size="40" />
                <h4>Monthly Management Fee (8% of Gross Rents):<br />
                    <input type="text" id="result4" value="" size="40" />
                <h4>Total First Year:<br />
                    <input type="text" id="result5" value="" size="40" />
                <h4>Total After 2 Years (assuming lease renewal):<br />
                    <input type="text" id="result6" value="" size="40" />

I'm trying to add a second form which would go on a different HTML page that would drive additional calculations using a select drop down so a user can indicate number of units, which would drive different calculations. Told you - I'm a novice! Greatly appreciate the assistance!

<script type="text/javascript"> 
function calcform() 
with (document.form1) 

{ result1.value = +number1.value * .75}/*Calculates Option 1 Leasing Fees.*/
{ result2.value = +number3.value * +number2.value}/*Calculates Option 1 Mgmt Fees all     units.*/

<table><form name="form1" action=""> 
<tr><h5>Prospective Owners Cost Calculator:</h5><br/>

<h4>Enter Your Anticipated Monthly Rent Here (Total for all units):<br/>
<input type="text" id="number1" value="" size="20" /></h4><br/>

<h4>Enter the number of units (from 2-6)<br/>
<input type="number" name="number2" value="2" min="2" max="6"/></h4><br/> 

<input type="button" id="Calculate" value="Calculate" 
onclick="calcform()" /><input type="reset" id="reset" value=" Clear "/></tr>

<br/><tr><td><h4><strong>Option 1</strong></h4><br/>

<h4>Leasing Fee (75% of one month's rent):<br /> 
<input type="text" id="result1" value="" size="40" /></h4><br/> 

<h4>Monthly Management Fee per unit (Fixed[enter link description here][1] $69 x 12 months):<br /> 
<input type="text" id="number3" value="828" size="40" /></h4><br/> 

<h4>Monthly Management Fee all units:<br /> 
<input type="text" id="result2" value="" size="40" /></h4><br/>
</form> </table>

You can see this at dev1.beastlyweb.com. I've also uploaded the Excel spreadsheet there that contains the calculations the client wants replicated online.

도움이 되었습니까?


Looks like the calculation is failing because you put name="number2" in the input for "Enter the number of units (from 2-6)", instead of id="number2". You are calling the field by it's id in your calculation (+number2.value).

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