
I am interested in upgrading a suite of software from ODAC v5 to v8.2.8.

One app in particular is causing problems. This application loads one of a set of secondary applications implemented as dlls.

LibHandle := LoadLibrary(PChar(dllname));
if LibHandle <> 0 then
  @showForm := GetProcAddress(LibHandle,'ShowMainDllForm');
  if (@showForm <> nil) then
      ShowForm(Application.Handle, @FGlobalVars, 1);

The launcher is fine - it has its own database connection, and I can step through the various ODAC units fairly happily.

However, the dll immediately excepts on attempting to open a cursor. The error is an Assertion Failure in the unit DBAccess.pas, called from MemDs.pas. I have stepped through this and have shown that the assertion failure is correct; Assert(FieldDesc is TCRFieldDesc) is receiving a TFieldDesc from MemDS.CreateFieldDefs().

I am stumped. How can it be that one calling method works fine (the launcher app) and the other (the dll) always fails ?

If anyone has experienced difficulties in this area I would appreciate any information, however tenuous it might sound

도움이 되었습니까?


We have already fixed this problem. You can either download the latest ODAC version 8.6.12 or modify the line invoking Assert:

in the TCustomDADataSet.GetFieldType method

  Assert(FieldDesc is TCRFieldDesc);
  Assert(IsClass(FieldDesc, TCRFieldDesc));

다른 팁

we use the DEVART MySQL, and SQL connectors. I have experienced the exact issue with the MySQL (MyDAC) connection. However, what I found was this: In the DBAccess.pas file, the above code change was already there;

Assert(IsClass(FieldDesc, TCRFieldDesc));

But I was still getting the same Assertion error. I stepped in a little further, and found in the CRFunctions unit, I made the following changes, and now my Server connection works perfectly from a dll file:

  if IsLibrary then
    Result := IsClassByName(Obj, AClass)
  // Danny MacNevin : October 3,2013
  // commented out the below line to fix an Assertion Error 
  // using the TMyConnection in a dll file.
  // It was being called from the DBAccess.pas file at line: 7251
  // To put this file back to normal, remove the line I added, and 
  // uncomment the line below...
  //Result := Obj is AClass;
    Result := IsClassByName(Obj, AClass) //Line replaced by Danny
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