
How can I get the Selected Row Object of dojox.enhancedGrid ? I am using selectionMode: 'single' e.g. with Radio Buttons.

dijit.byId("gridViewWidget").selection.selectedIndex Returns the rowIndex. But how to get the rowObject of that Index ? I can get the rowNode()But What I need is value of the id column of that Row.

Its possible to travarse the HTML DOM returned by rowNode() But Is there any straight forward way ?

I am currently using dijit.byId("gridViewWidget").store._dataArray[i] and passing the returned index. Though This works it seems _dataArray is a private property. So Is it safe to use ?

도움이 되었습니까?


I'm new to dojo myself, but this should be useful if not entirely correct. First of all, dojox.grid.enhancedGrid is built on top of dojox.grid.DataGrid, so check out the documentation here:

dojox.grid.DataGrid Documentation

  • grid.getItem(idx) returns the store 'item' at the given index

  • grid.selection.getSelected() returns an array of the selected items

You should be able to use either of these to get the item you want.

다른 팁

Using declarative markup, you could do something like (from memory, may need tweaking to be functional):

<script type="text/javascript">
function formatThisColumn(rowIndex, rowObject) {
    if (rowObject == null) return;
    field = rowObject.i.fieldName;
    return field;
<div dojoType="dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore" id="store" jsid="jsonStore" url="test.json"></div>
<table dojoType="dojox.grid.EnhancedGrid" id="gridNode" jsid="grid" store="store">
  <th get="formatThisColumn">A Computed Column</th>

Note the 'formatThisColumn' function: this gets called at least once per row in the datagrid, and gets passed the index of the row (within the JSON items) and a object that contains the 'current' item (using the 'i' index). This gives you the original values from the JSON response while the datagrid is being rendered.

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