
Firstly I will provide the structure of my branches

  • Trunk
    • Version1 (branch from trunk)
      • CustomerA (branch from Version1)
      • CustomerB (branch from Version2)
    • Version2 (new branch at a later moment in time of trunk)
      • CustomerC (branch from Version2)

Now I want to migrate CustomerB to version2 but I need to keep the changes allready made to the CustomerB branch.

Is this possible and how would I do that? I am using SVN with the TortoiseSVN client.

도움이 되었습니까?


Yes, it is possible. First, you should make sure both branches are in sync with trunk to minimize conflicts. Then, merge Version2 branch with CustomerB.

For more info check out the book's chapter on Branching and Merging.

Once you learn to use branching and merging fluidly, it becomes a very powerful tool.

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