
I have a text field and a text view on screen. When my text view is the focused I need to show another view but if the text field is focused not show the view. I am using the UINotification methods to get the keyboard size, but they aren't fired if a text field is focused and the a text view is focused because the whole time the keyboard is shown. Get what I'm saying? So how do I get the keyboard size from somewhere else?

Also: I can't use static values because my app supports different orientations and iPhone and iPad.

도움이 되었습니까?


Use delegates to get which control is currently focused.UITextViewDelgate method textViewDidBeginEditing: gets called when text view starts editing/focused or become first responder. Similarly UITextFieldDelegate method textFieldDidBeginEditing: can be used for this purpose.

Keyboard size:

See 'rich' answer

Get keyboard size without UIKeyboardWillShowNotification

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