
I'm new to JavaScript, so forgive me if the answer to this question is an obvious one.

I'm trying to set up an import function for a text-editor web-application.

My code is as follows:

function dataImport() {
    confirm("Are you sure you want to import the selected file? This will overwrite any data that is currently saved in the application workplace.");
    var fileReader = new FileReader();
    window.localStorage.setItem("AppData", fileReader.readAsText(document.querySelector("#import-selector").value));

And it should be activated by:

<input id="import-selector" type="file" /><button id="import-button" onclick="dataImport();">Import File</button>

Instead of writing the contents of the file to the localStorage, however, it merely writes the word 'undefined'. I take it some kind of error has happened, but I'm not sure what it is.

Thanks in advance for any help or advice.

도움이 되었습니까?


I've never heard of a lick event in HTML. Maybe it's something new to HTML5 ;)

Try changing your onlick="... trigger to onclick="...

Maybe that will work?

Now that that's fixed, try this example: Chrome FileReader

I tried it, and it works flawlessly. It outputs the file contents into the error console.

Good luck!

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