
Why is Java the most used programming language ? Why are the most programmers jobs for Java ?

Don't get me wrong here ? I like Java and I work in Java ? I don't have anything against it ?

Also, I'm trying to learn some other stuff out of the OOP box, like Clojure with its functional programming.

But, I'm wondering, why is Java number one ? I mean, dynamic languages (Ruby, Python, Php, JavaScript) people says that static types languages (Java, C/C++, C#) people envy them for their productivity ? They say they get the job done faster...

Ok then, if dynamic languages are more productive, how come Java stands where it stands ?

도움이 되었습니까?


  • It was backed by a major commercial company Sun -- which other business value when decided on adopting such things.

  • It continued in the syntactic tradition of C++ -- already a widely used language at the time. In many ways, it was sold as a far improved C++.

  • It came with batteries included -- the framework.

  • Superb marketing effort of write once / run everywhere (platform independence).

  • The fear of Microsoft's dominance at the time forced a lot of companies to collaborate in the Java endeavor, notably IBM.

I don't think other languages on your list had these qualities (even if I fall into the dynamic/productivity camp). Arguably Python filled some of those niches at the time.

다른 팁

  • Typically it's easier for people to conceptualize in imperative languages with garbage collection (C#, Java)
  • Spolsky considers Java to be an easy language, he has a famous post on it.
  • Java is well-defined and thus easier for formal analysis efforts
  • Java runs on most modern platforms without massive grief
  • Java is "enterprisey", by which I mean it seems to be heavily adopted and developed by large corporations, which, due to sort of a best-practice risk-minimization approach, means other large corporations will also use it.
  • Java is taught in many universities.

Just off the top of my head...

  • Huge potential user base.
  • Large set of libraries.
  • Established community.
  • Fast VM.
  • Platform independent.
  • It's free.
  • It's been around for ages.

Some of the factors that have given Java its popularity are:

  • Its Maturity
  • Easiness to learn
  • Great API

Also, due to its philosophy of "Write Once Run Everywhere", Java programs are extremely portable and the Java platform itself is quite mature, in terms of the kind of applications that can be developed with it; not to mention the plethora of new languages that are being developed to run on the JVM.

Remember, most used, doesn't mean better; for many purposes you'll find that Java simple falls short of a viable solution.

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