
I have the following output generated by an UNIX machine from 1996... We are upgrading the software for Windows, and I need to create this exact output http://pastebin.com/YBHpSYDW from C#

There are some problems I can't handle, because I don't know how...

How can I determinate the columns, set aligment for the "IMPORTE" column to the right, if it is plaintext?

I have done this output in Excel which is more readable, flexible.. but they want this creepy old stuff because a lot of reasons and they I'll become insane working for this people, they don't want to upgrade anything, just the software but keep every old creepy thing @ output...

So if anyone knows a way to do this, it'll be so much helpful, thank you.

EDIT The output is a list of data from an SQL Server, old data was stored into MultiValue .DAT and .IDX files, but now they're in a SQL Server... So basically, the code that generates the values is the following

var Query = getRows(sel.DataTable).Select(row =>
    return new
        banco = row["banco"].ToString(),
        emisora = row["emisora"].ToString(),
        sucursal = row["sucursal"].ToString(),
        fecha = row["fecha"].ToString(),
        identificacion = row["identificacion"].ToString(),
        importe = row["importe"].ToString(),
        importe_dec = row["importe_dec"].ToString(),
        provincia = row["provincia"].ToString(),
        referencia = row["referencia"].ToString(),

Then I do some foreach to make the magic... For example

foreach (var banco in Query.GroupBy(l => l.banco))

So the problem is the output file for printing...

EDIT 2 Got it working, here's the code

private void generarFicheroPrt()
        SelectBD sel = new SelectBD(Program.ConexBD, "SELECT * FROM Seguros");
        var Query = getRows(sel.DataTable).Select(row =>
            return new
                banco = row["banco"].ToString(),
                emisora = row["emisora"].ToString(),
                sucursal = row["sucursal"].ToString(),
                fecha = row["fecha"].ToString(),
                identificacion = row["identificacion"].ToString(),
                importe = row["importe"].ToString(),
                importe_dec = row["importe_dec"].ToString(),
                provincia = row["provincia"].ToString(),
                referencia = row["referencia"].ToString(),
        using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Program.path + @"\CV9005.prt"))
            int i = 1;
            int pag = 0;
            int linea = 1;
            decimal total = 0;
            foreach (var valor in Query.OrderBy(l => l.emisora))
                if (linea == 48) linea = 1;
                if (linea == 1)
                    sw.WriteLine("\xc\t0125 BANCOFAR" + string.Empty.PadLeft(37, '\x20') + "COBRO POR VENTANILLA S. S. - CONTROL DE DOCUMENTOS     PAG.     "+ pag  +"\n\n");
                    sw.WriteLine("\t N.ORDEN  NUMERO REFERENCIA           IMPORTE  SUC.  EMISORA");
                    sw.WriteLine("\t -------  -----------------  ----------------  ----  -----------------------------------------------------------");
                decimal importe = Convert.ToDecimal(Int32.Parse(valor.importe) + "," + valor.importe_dec);
                string imp = importe.ToString("N2", Cultures.Spain);
                sw.WriteLine("\t\t" + string.Format("{0, 4}\t{1, -13}\t\t{2, 13}{3,6}  {4, -59}", i.ToString(), valor.referencia, imp, valor.sucursal, valor.emisora + " " + sufijoEmisora));
                total = total + importe;
            sw.WriteLine("\t\t\t\t\t TOTAL .....\t" + string.Format("{0, 13}", total.ToString("N2", Cultures.Spain)));
    catch (Exception ex)
도움이 되었습니까?


Use the "PrintDocument" tool from the toolbox.


This will help you with basic formating.


For more richer formating and saving to file use the Microsoft.Office.Core namespace,


If you want non ASCII encoding, make sure to set the encoding as per your requirement and save the file with the required encoding.


using(StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("a.txt", false, Encoding.UTF8))
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