
Im using WCF REST 4.0 meaning to say their is no .svc file.. So I have 3 different service classes in one service WCF Rest Application project. And I registered all these services in the Global.asax

What im trying to do is that I have a set of Business Functions from a lower framework e.g: .NET 1.0/2.0 where in i use datasets and not call basic add/update/delete entity function unlike in the newer releases. So I wanted to ask if this type of match would work in .Net 4.0 or is their any other reason for this?

Thank you

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If your services work in Web Development server than they have to work in IIS. What version of IIS do you use? Remember that extensionless URLs are only supported in IIS 7.x. If you want to use them in older version you have to modify IIS configuration (check this thread). Also make sure that your IIS has properly registred .NET 4.0 and all realted ISAPI. If you installed .NET 4.0 after IIS it is best to use aspnet_regiis.exe from .NET 4.0 folder.

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