
I've written a descendant of QTreeView with multiple columns. I want to create a popup menu that appears whe nthe user right-clicks over the column headers. I have tried catching signals from QTreeView for this, but QTreeView doesn't seem to emit signals on the headers. QTreeView.header() does. I therefore believe I must either:
1: connect one of QHeaderView's signals to a popup function - I have been unable to find a signal that is triggered on a single right click - I have tried sectionClicked, sectionHandleDoubleClicked, sectionDoubleClicked, sectionPressed (not surprised the double click functions didn't catch a single right click - but they do catch a double right click)


2: write a descendant of QHeaderView with my own MousePressEvent function, and use that for my headers. I have so far been unsuccessful in connecting the new header class to the QTreeView descendant. I keep getting a Segmentation Fault on runtime, with no more explanation.

#in DiceView's init, where DiceHeaders is the QHeaderView descendant

Any ideas?

도움이 되었습니까?


I discovered the setContextMenuPolicy function:


Then, in headerMenu:

def headerMenu(self, pos):
    globalPos = self.mapToGlobal(pos)
    menu = QMenu()
    menu.addAction("test item")
    selectedItem = menu.exec_(globalPos)
    if selectedItem:
        print "selected: ", selectedItem

다른 팁

I'd go for solution n°2 : Write your own class inheriting QHeaderView. Your segmentation fault may be coming from a python/pyqt glitch ? You should make sure that you DiceHeaders object exists by keeping a reference to it.

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