
I've got two CMDlets that return lists of objects. One returns objects of the type SPSolution, which contains the property Id, the other returns objects of the type SPFeature with a property SolutionId.

Now I want to join/merge this data something like this:

$f = Get-Feature
$s = Get-Solution
$result = <JOIN> $f $s
          <ON> $f.SolutionId = $s.Id
          <SELECT> FeatureName = $f.DisplayName, SolutionName = $s.Name
도움이 되었습니까?


It's not efficient, and it assumes PowerShell 2 but it should do the job:

$solutions = Get-Solution

foreach ($f in Get-Feature) {

    $filteredSolutions = $solutions |
        where-object { $_.Id -eq $f.SolutionId }

    foreach ($s in $filteredSolutions) {
        new-object PSObject -prop @{
            FeatureName = $f.DisplayName
            SolutionName = $s.Name

Note that I don't have SharePoint installed so I'm afraid that I can't test this!

다른 팁

Building off what Keith Hill said Making it a 2 liner can greatly improve efficiency. This way you only run Get-Solution once instead of again for every object returned by Get-Feature

$Solutions = Get-Solution
Get-Feature | % {$f = $_; $Solutions | ? {$f.SolutionId -eq $_.Id} | 
                 Select Name,@{n='FeatureName';e={$f.DisplayName}}}

Here's a one-liner that should do the trick (relies on nested pipelines):

Get-Feature | % {$f = $_; Get-Solution | ? {$f.SolutionId -eq $_.Id} | 
                 Select Name,@{n='FeatureName';e={$f.DisplayName}}}

It's simple and could probably use more work, but it does the job.

function Join-Object {
  param ( [PSObject[]] $objects, $where, $proplist)
    for ($i=0;$i -le $objects.length;$i++) {
      if ($objects[$i+1] -ne $null) {$out += $objects[$i] | %{$o=$_;$objects[$i+1] | where $where | Select -property $proplist} } };

$where is a script block, and $proplist is an array of properties formatted for Select-Object.
It works for passing in two objects. Hope it would work for more, but haven't tried it yet.

(Get-Feature | Select @{Name="FeatureName";Expression={$_.DisplayName}) | Join (Get-Solution | Select @{Name="SolutionName";Expression={$_.Name}) SolutionId -eq Id

See: In Powershell, what's the best way to join two tables into one?

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