
I've this QueryOver where I select Log records where the Logs Name starts with D or F (using wildcards).

    .Where(l => l.DateTime > _datetime)
        l => l.Name.IsLike("D%") || l.Name.IsLike("F%")

Instead I would like the name searching to be dynamically using values from a list. How can this be done?

I've tried something like:

var query = conv.InnerTransaction.Session.QueryOver<Log>()
            .Where(l => l.DateTime > _datetime);
foreach (var name in _names)
    query = query.And(l => l.Name.IsLike(name));

But that would result in multiple AND statements for each name in the list, whereas It just need to be a OR.

도움이 되었습니까?


Have you tried Disjunction? I had a similar requirement once, but I had to use Conjunction instead. Disjunction will or multiple conditions together.

var disjunction = new Disjunction();
var query = Session.QueryOver<Log>().Where(l => l.DateTime > _datetime);
foreach (var name in _names)
    disjunction.Add(Restrictions.On<Log>(log => log.Name).IsLike(name));
var queryResult = query.Where(disjunction).List<Log>();
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