
I updated my build to build against Android 1.6, and now my bitmaps are scaled down on high density screens. I do NOT want this behavior. I gave this a shot:


but the images are STILL scaling, that is UNLESS I set them to a specific height & width. If I use wrap_content they are scaled down.

I have an image loader using the unscaled bitmap loader to create a drawable like so:

Bitmap bm = UnscaledBitmapLoader.loadFromResource(imageBufferInputStream);
drawable = new BitmapDrawable(bm);

which I later assign to an ImageView like so:

imageView.setImageDrawable( copyBitmapDrawable( (BitmapDrawable) drawable) );
도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 3

Wrapping the bitmap with a Drawable is the problem. The Drawable scales the Bitmap. Instead of using a Drawable, assign the Bitmap to the ImageView directly using imageView.setImageBitmap(Bitmap).

다른 팁

In order to have an image not scaled when loading it from a resource (e.g. with BitmapFactory.decodeResource) you have to locate it in res/drawable-nodpi instead of the usual drawable, drawable-ldpi and so on.


new BitmapDrawable(this.getResources(), bmp); 

instead of

 new BitmapDrawable(bmp);

should solve the issue.

Use ImageView.ScaleType. The CENTER constant preforms no scaling, so I guess that's what you are looking for.

By the way, do you use pixels or dips as size units? Using dips (density-independent-pixels) is a means of standardizing display on multiple resolutions. You'll find a couple of tips here.

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